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Division News from The ICA Newsletter, April 2002.


Greetings Division 5ers! Karin Wilkins and I are busy putting the final touches on the program for Seoul, Korea. The program is turning out to be an excellent one. The division will be sponsoring a total of 25 panels! Beginning April 1, you will be able to view the program at the ICA web site <>. Information on authors, papers, times, and places should be available. While at the web site, you can also register for the conference.

Congratulations go out to the authors of the top papers in the division: in the intercultural area, Han Z. Li (University of Northern British Columbia), in international communication, Joe Straubhaar and Martha Fuentes (both of the University of Texas at Austin), Christine Giraud (Ford Foundation), and Consuelo Campbell (Chinese University in Hong Kong), and in development communication, Divya McMillin (University of Washington). Congrats authors and keep up the good work!

We should acknowledge the top student papers as well. The top student authors are: in the area of intercultural communication, Naoto Ogawa (University of Oklahoma), in the area of international communication, Atsuushi Tajima (University of Wisconsin), and in the area of development communication, Jody Waters (University of Texas at Austin). Our best to these authors! We look forward to more of your fine work in the future.

These authors will be joining nearly 175 other authors presenting their fine research in the areas of intercultural, international, and development communication. This is certainly a compelling reason to attend the conference. If you need further motivation, our Korean hosts assure the program planners that Seoul has something to offer everyone.

One other piece of news has come to my attention. Division 5 member, Sandy Rao, has informed me that undergraduate and graduate students may apply for a Susanne A. Roschwalb Grant for International Study and Research. Funding from this grant is intended to help defray travel costs associated with international study during the 2002-2003 academic year. Deadline for receipt of applications is April 19, 2002. You can find more information at If you wish to contact Dr. Rao directly, you can email her at

We look forward to seeing you in Seoul, Korea! Make sure to register and make your hotel reservations early.

Rich Wiseman, Chair

Intercultural Development Communication, a division of the International Communication Association.
Webmaster: Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma). Last update: May 8, 2002