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Division News from The ICA Newsletter, 29(1), January 2001

Hullo Division Five:

By the time you receive this mid-January, Washington-bound panel and paper presenters will have heard from us. But right now, we are worrying about whether all peer reviews will be in on time. We received a total of 84 papers, and 15 panels, 34 papers and 3 panel proposals in Intercultural and the rest in International and International Development Communication. The most noticeable group of submissions in International was from Korean faculty and students practicing for submission to the Seoul meeting next year: Welcome to our division. I hope you and the rest of us will remember to check the divisional membership box for Intercultural and Development when we renew our membership

The people who are working hard as I write include 33 reviewers. The Intercultural panel and paper proposers are grateful to Mary Jane Collier, William Gudykunst, James W Neuliep, John Oetzel, Judi Sanders, and Stella Ting-Toomey. All proposals are being e evaluated by two of these good minds and refereed by Rich Wiseman. The 50 international papers and 11 panel proposals are being reviewed by 27 reviewers, 3 per proposal. They are Craig Allen, Douglas Boyd, Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Richard Burke, Fred Casmir, John Downing, Richard Gershon, Robert Horwitz, Rob Huesca, Melissa Johnson, Priya Kapoor, Marwan M Kraidy, Rashmi Luthra, Emile G McAnany, Stephen McDowell, Srinivas Melkote, Andrew Moemeka, Nancy Morris, Sandhya Rao, Clemencia Rodrigues, Hemant Shah, Peter Shields, Sujatha Sosale, Leslie Steeves, Joseph Straubhaar, Silvio Waisbord, and Karin Wilkins. Their reviews are due Dec 5. The full program of papers and panels based on their recommendations will go to Cindy Gallois in Australia a few days later. Thank you all: without your collective wisdom, we would deteriorate into an annual program designed by office bearers, and that would not be ICA.

Now is the time for you to nominate doctoral dissertations completed in the last two years for Best Dissertation Awards. Details were in our last column and are posted on the division web site accessible from courtesy Vince Berdayes. Submit complete applications to Rich Wiseman by February 15. The ICA board has voted to allow divisions to carry over membership dues from one year to the next: we are happy to report a balance of over $2,500 of your membership dues which we will return to you in the form of awards, an opening day reception at the Washington annual meeting and a better web site. If you have other suggestions, email me ( or Rich Wiseman (

Apologies to those in the Instructional Development division…a couple of you submit to this Development Communication division by accident annually. One of these days, we will find a division name that accurately describes what we do in terms of a dominant International research constituency followed by an Intercultural focus and a smaller Development Communication contingent.

After the Washington program is finalized, I will be spending the second term of my sabbatical working for UNICEF on HIV-AIDS prevention media campaigns in India mid-Jan through May. Vice Chair Rich Wiseman will write the next two newsletters leading to the meeting. I am grateful to my Intercultural colleague and Vice Chair Rich Wiseman for the hard work he put in on bylaws development last year and his continual graciousness in the face of many challenges: these last two years have been a period of unusual peace in a division that has had a history of non-cooperation and conflict between its International and Intercultural office-bearers. I am also grateful to Michigan State University doctoral student Haejin Yun whose services were provided to me by the Telecommunication Department to help with peer reviews and program development. I look forward to meeting and thanking our members in person in Washington D.C. for the four years of cooperation I have received from you.

Bella Mody

Chair Division 5

From the ICA Newsletter 28(7) - December, 2000


Intercultural Development Communication, a division of the International Communication Association.
Webmaster: Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma). Last updated: April 25, 2002