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1999 Minutes - San Francisco

Minutes of the Meeting of the
Intercultural & Development Communication Division
International Communication Association
San Francisco, California, USA
May 29, 1999

Fred L. Casmir called the meeting to order at 4:45.

Approval of Minutes
Minutes were amended to include recognition of conference paper reviewers Michael Crossman, L. Ripley Smith, and Richard Wiseman. A motion to approve minutes as amended was submitted by Richard Wiseman and seconded by Lynda Dee Dixon.

Introduction of Officers
Fred Casmir noted that because George Barnett had been elected chairperson of Divison 10, the Division 5 secretary position had been vacated mid-term. After discussion between the chair and vice-chair and consultation with ICA about appropriate procedures, Fred Casmir appointed Melissa A. Johnson to serve the remainder of George Barnett's term. However, George Barnett will continue to handle the division's website. Professor Casmir expressed gratitude for all of Professor Barnett's service in the division. Richard Wiseman motioned that the division formally commend Professor Barnett for setting up the division's website, and the chairperson concurred.

Bella Mody is the division's new chairperson, and Richard Wiseman is the vice-chairperson. Both will serve two-year terms. Fred Casmir explained that Division 5 has three segments: International, Intercultural, and Development. He said that the division's practice is to elect a vice-chairperson from an area different from that of the chairperson's area. Professor Casmir is an Intercultural Communication specialist and Professor Mody specializes in International and Development Communication. Professor Casmir said that although he had known Bella Mody as a scholar, he appreciated getting to know her as an individual through their cooperation in Division 5 service.

Annual Report

Lost Bylaws
Fred Casmir said that in the process of reviewing procedures for replacing the secretary midterm, he discovered that the division has no current copy of its bylaws. Christine Ogan said that we had modified them in recent years. Joseph Rota volunteered to search his files for a copy.

Division Reception
Fred Casmir said that the divison's reception on the first day of the conference was successful, with members from around the world attending. He said there were more newcomers in attendance than longer-term ICA members to assist the newcomers.

ICA Membership
The chairperson said that ICA lost approximately 600 members (22%) during the Israel conference, but that preregistration attendance for the San Francisco conference was 25 members more than ICA had ever had. (The preregistration figures were calculated two weeks before the conference began.) Fred Casmir said it is normal for membership to drop when ICA's conference leaves the United States. The organization is operating with a deficit of $80,000. ICA expects to grow to approximately 3,500 members and plans active recruitment of members who have dropped their membership recently.

Division Membership
As of March 31, 1999, the division had 530 members. It ranked as the third largest division behind the mass communication and organizational communication divisions.

Division Innovations
Fred Casmir compiled copies of all division paper abstracts in packets for distribution at the division reception and at the ICA conference publications desk. George Barnett noted that they are also available on the division's website.

1998 Israel Conference Feedback
According to Fred Casmir, those who attended the Israel conference expressed security concerns. Last year Division 5 passed a resolution addressed to ICA leadership advocating more research into potential problems connected with conference sites.

Acapulco 2000 Conference
June 1 is the tentative date of the Acapulco conference. Fred Casmir said that the hotel is very luxurious, with a large room costing $99 (excluding tax).

ICA History
ICA is writing a history of the organization. Fred Casmir asked members who have any information -- especially information about the background of Division 5 -- to contact Howard Giles.

Interactive Display Sessions
Fred Casmir noted that these are among the best interactive sessions that ICA offers, with opportunities for younger and older scholars to share information. They are a significant part of ICA conferences. He asked that members not call them poster sessions.

ICA Publications
Our publications are one of the strongest aspects of ICA, according to Fred Casmir. Professor Casmir contacted each of the new editors and is serving on each of the various journals in differing capacities.

New Horizons for Chair
Fred Casmir noted that he is now a Distinguished Professor Emeritus and has moved to Flagstaff, Arizona (USA). He said that he hopes to continue to work with Division 5 members. He said that it was significant that the completion of his term as chair corresponded with his retirement from active teaching. He expressed appreciation for the members' support and confidence, and the atmosphere of cutting-edge developments that will impact future academic work.

Questions from Members
Young Yum Kim asked for clarification about future conference sites. The 2000 Conference will be in Acapulco. The 2001 Conference will be at the Washington, D.C. Hilton at Dupont Circle. Discussion is under way for a 2002 Conference in Seoul, South Korea.
Three members asked questions related to the South Korea site, including whether Division 5 had been consulted about the Korea site, given last year's resolution about Israel (see Old Business below).

Another member said that most presenters are in residence in the United States, and suggested that we try to increase overseas members' participation. Fred Casmir noted that reviewers only have two weeks to return comment sheets and that the program planners have two weeks after that to finalize the entire program (end of the semester during holiday season).
A member noted that the division only had 12-13 sessions at the Berlin conference and asked how many we received this year. The current 21 sessions for the division was considered progress.

Cochece Davis suggested that we take one of our 21 programs and videoconference it, with presenters from around the world. This would improve the international reach and save presenters the cost of travel. George Barnett suggested that we might co-sponsor the conference with another division and that it could be sent via the website. Cochece Davis offered to help with this initiative.
A member suggested that we increase the number of high-density panels to increase the acceptance rates for papers, thereby increasing membership retention. The member also suggested that the division accept papers electronically, which Fred Casmir said works better in small divisions. Professor Casmir added that they had experienced technical problems with digital transmission of papers, from logistical challenges to contracting an Asia-based computer virus that U.S. university technical support was unable to combat.

Another member suggested that the first few papers and/or panel proposals that are submitted should be the ones sent to international reviewers.

A member commended Division 5 for speedy notifications sent to paper presenters, moderators, and respondents. She also noted that the June 1, 2000 conference schedule is a problem for those on the quarter system. George Barnett responded that traditionally ICA has tried to accommodate both quarter and semester systems, but in international locations we must also work with the nation's school calendars.

Top Paper Awards
Fred Casmir presented certificates for top-ranked papers. They were:
Development Communication: "Embracing Incommensurate Paradigms of Technology and Development: Strategic Information Technology Planning for Developing States," Douglas K. Wagner, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.
International Communication: "The International Debate on Telenovelas and Contra-Flow: A Reappraisal and a Case Study on Europe," Philippe Meers and Daniel Biltereyst, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.
Intercultural Communication: "Developing a Cross-Cultural Typology of Facework Behaviors in Interpersonal Conflicts," John Oetzel, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA; Stella Ting-Toomey, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA; Tomoko Masumoto and Yumiko Yokochi, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA.

Top-ranked student papers were:
Development Communication: "Organizing for Social Change in a Postmodern World: Rethinking Participation," Sweety Law, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA.
International Communication: "Regulatory Reform in the TV Industries of Brazil and Argentina in the 1990s," Hernan Galperin, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
Intercultural Communication: "Korean and US College Students' Attitudes Towards Environmental Problems and Acculturation's Effects on Those Attitudes," Yeonshin Kim and Jong-Phil Kim, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

1999 Division 5 Programs
The Division had 150 submissions for 21 programs, with an acceptance rate of approximately 50%.

Vice-Chairperson's Report
Bella Mody expressed gratitude to John Mayo for passing along well-documented procedures for the new officers. She solicited members' help in suggesting Mexican participants for the Acapulco meeting, and emphasized collaboration with contacts in Mexico. She urged members to email her at with suggestions for improvements or changes.

Division Budget
Bella Mody said that the Intercultural and Development Division has 515 members, and ICA allocates $2 per member to the Division budget. If the monies are unspent, they revert back to the association.

ICA Journals
The new editors of both Communication Theory and the Journal of Communication have tried to involve division officers. Bella Mody urged members to contact her to intervene if they have problems with a journal. Bill Gudykunst and Bella Mody are co-editing a new edition of Sage's International and Intercultural Handbook (due 2001).

Division Awards
Two awards were suggested at the Jerusalem meeting. Rich Wiseman and Melissa Johnson are developing draft procedures for a lifetime achievement award and a dissertation award. Bella Mody and Rich Wiseman plan to send members a newsletter this fall requesting a vote on awards and procedures, plus any necessary bylaw changes.

Intercultural and Development Division Website
Professor Mody commended George Barnett for his unique website and thanked him for going beyond the call of duty in developing it. Members who have information for the website should contact George Barnett at

Division Dinner
The San Francisco dinner after the business meeting was the 25th anniversary of the Division Dinner. Bella Mody visited all of the restaurants recommended by our Hernon Galperen of Stanford University during spring break to test food and ambience and determined that Oriental Pearl in Chinatown met our culinary and budget guidelines best. Members were encouraged to attend the dinner.

Old Business
George Barnett said that at the Jerusalem meeting the division passed a resolution asking to be consulted about non-US sites. (The report is posted on the website.) It was sent to Howard Giles, who asked George Barnett to form an ICA committee to react to the resolution. Giles felt it would be stronger if a proposal represented all of ICA, not just one division. Fred Casmir, Stan Deetz, and Jennifer Slack agreed to participate with George Barnett. A number of international members declined to participate. This Committee on Annual Conference Cultural Sensitivity recommended two actions. First, that research be conducted on the cultural, social, political, economic, and historic issues connected with the proposed conference sites. Second, that the information be made available to members on the ICA website so that members could have input to ICA officers. The ICA board approved the research phase component of the committee's proposal but rejected the idea of making the information public to members and inviting comments via the website. The board didn't want to be held accountable for a committee report. In addition, they expressed concerns about cultural relativism and the possibility of offending international members. Christine Ogan asked whether the financial aspects of the conference sites would be made available to members. Fred Casmir stressed that the committee's report will be advisory to the ICA board officers only.

New Business
Members discussed suggestions for improving the participation of colleagues in Mexico. Fred Casmir said that there might be some guest passes for select panel invitees, but all requests had to be approved by Bob Cox. Multilanguage abstracts were suggested. George Barnett said that at previous Mexico and German conferences we did have abstracts in multiple languages, but Fred Casmir reminded members of the costs and logistics for multilanguage abstract packets. Mindy Chang asked how the Taiwan Communication Association could become an affiliated organization.

Passing the Gavel
Bella Mody presented the traditional gift to outgoing Division Chair Fred Casmir on behalf of Division 5. She thanked Professor Casmir for his service to the division and Mina Casmir for her help in selecting the gift.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

Intercultural Development Communication, a division of the International Communication Association.
Webmaster: Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma). Last update: April 26, 2002