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1998 Minutes - Jerusalem

Minutes of Meeting of the Intercultural & Development Communication Division
International Communication Association
Jerusalem, Israel
July 23, 1998

I. Introduction

Fred Casmir (Division 5 chair) called the meeting to order at 4:45.

He welcomed the attendees and thanked Bella Mody (Division Vice-chairperson) and George Barnett (Division Secretary) for their help in preparation for the convention.

II. Minutes of May 25, 1997 meeting approved with one change, Lin Chen (member of the nomination committee) affiliation is Hong Kong Baptist University.

III. Linda Putnam (ICA President-Elect Select) thanked the Division for the Community Engagement Program. The Community Engagement Program, under the leadership of Young Kim and Mary Jane Collier, it was the first such effort designed to "leave something behind" in communities where ICA holds its annual conferences.

Putnam provided information concerning the 1999 Conference which will be at San Francisco Hilton. Theme will be Communication & Contradictions: Embracing Differences Through Discourse. She is planning an opening reception at World Trade Center followed by a harbor cruise dinner. Putnam encouraged program collaboration with other divisions.

IV. Casmir's Report on the Status of the Division.

Membership of the Division declined 100 members prior to the conference. Membership of entire Association declined due to problems with organization's database and normal attrition before conferences held outside the United States. There is an ongoing effort to Internationalize ICA by establishing even more ties to national Mass Communication, Journalism and other communication associations throughout the world. Casmir requested names and addresses of other international communication associations other than journalism and mass communication for possible linkages. Division membership declined from 514 to 408. ICA plans a membership drive in August. They will contact 13,000 potential members. By September 1 it is expect membership to reach 3,000. ICA gained 50 new members in Jerusalem.

ICA Board decided that divisions will now get entire amount ($3.00 per member) with total control by the divisions on how to spend the fees.

The Jerusalem conference is a success, with approximately 700 people in attendance. It is the second largest international conference with the extensive financial and organizational support of the Israeli Communication Association. As a result, ICA will break even financially.

Linda Renee Block was thanked by the Division Chairperson, on behalf of the Division for her work as Division 5's Israeli liaison. Palestine members Orayb Jajjar (Northern Illinois University) and Lena Jayyusi (Al Quds University) were thanked for their participation. The Palestine Communication Association is in its early developmental stage according to Oray Jajjar. They must contact Palestine diasporic community. By next year they hope to establish a formal organization.

Attendance in sessions conducted by Division 5 ranged from 11 to 51, about one-half as usual. There were 18 programs. The first-day reception for newcomers held for the first time this year was a success. There were 39 reviewers for 108 submissions. All received written reviews. The reviewers were:

George A. Barnett, SUNY at Buffalo
Doug Boyd, University of Kentucky
Deborah Cai, University of Maryland
Erika Engstrom, University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Jo Ellen Fair, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gary Heald, Florida State University
Robert Hornik, University of Pennsylvania
Robert Huesca, Trinity University
Tom Jacobson, SUNY at Buffalo
Orayb Jajjar, Northern Illinois University
Melissa A. Johnson, North Carolina State University
John Mayo, Florida State University
Judith McDivitt, Tulane University
Stephen McDowell, Florida State University
Polly McLean, University of Colorado
Louise Montgomery, University of Arkansas
Chris Ogan, Indiana University
Chucka Onwumechili, Bowie State University
R. Michael Paige, University of Minnesota
Sandhya Rao, Southwest Texas State University
Rodney A. Reynolds, Regent University
Joseph Rota, Ohio University
Don Rubin, University of Georgia
Lynda Dixon Shaver, Hernant Shah, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Peter Shields, Bowling Green State University
Sheida Shirvana, Ohio University
Arvind Singhal, Ohio University
Nikhil Sinha, University of Texas at Austin
L. Ripley Smith, Northwestern College
Douglas Storey, John Hopkins University
Joseph Straubhaar, Brigham Young University
K. Vishwanath, Ohio State University
Karin Wilkins, University of Texas at Austin

Division established a website. George Barnett, Division 5 secretary is webmaster. Locations is: The Secretary of the Division requested, and the chairperson concurred, to promote the division, members should send announcements about significant activities of its members to the webmaster. Send announcements and achievements to: or Dr. George A. Barnett Department of Communication State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, New York 14261 USA

The following locations have been accepted by the board for ICA for future conferences: 1999 San Francisco 2000 Acapulco, Mexico 2001 Washington or Philadelphia (Division prefers later) 2002 Seoul, Korea or South Africa

ICA is a member of the Council of Communication Associations which will develop a common database. Association to discuss linkages among the parts of the discipline.

Submission by Division members to Association's Journals far behind other Divisions: Division/Total submissions Communication Yearbook 21 1/37 Communication Yearbook 22 3/33 Human Communication Research 12/99 Communication Theory 6/49

The chairperson further defined the goal of the Community Engagement program is to leave something behind in the community where ICA holds its conferences. The principle behind such an effort is that as communication scholars we should be willing to share our relevant expertise with members of host communities not just with each other. Members of Division 5 have done this in Jerusalem for the first time. Other Divisions of ICA are being encouraged to provide similar community offerings for all future conferences.

The Chairperson announced the Nominations for President:

Joseph Cappella, University of Pennsylvania
Cindy Gallois, University of Queensland

Nominations for Board Member-at-large:

Mark Levy, University of Maryland
Sandra Ball-Rokeach, University of Southern California
Larry Browning, University of Texas

Nominations for Student Board Member:

Ashley Duggan, University of Georgia
Lisa Gebhardt, Arizona State University
Karen Rohrbarick, University of Utah
Sarah Tracy, University of Colorado

Other Business:

The Division Chairperson presented the following Division Awards:

Top Student Paper:

Olia Gershenson, Hebrew University

Top Paper in Intenational Communication:

George A. Barnett, Joseph G.T. Salisbury, Chul Woo Kim & Anna Langhorne, State University of New York at Buffalo

Top Paper in Developmental Communication:

Michael J. Papa, Arvind Singhal, Sweety Law, Ohio University, Suruchi Sood, Everett M. Rogers & Corinne Shefner-Rogers, University of New Mexico

Top Paper in Intercultural Communication

Mary Jane Collier, University of Denver

V. Report of Nomination Committee, Lin Chen

Nominees for Vice-chairperson of Division 5 from Intercultural portion of Division William J. Starosta, Howard University Richard Wiseman, California State Universty at Fullerton The chairperson invited further nominations from the floor. There were none. A ballot with information about each nominee will be submitted to members of Division for their vote by ICA headquarters.

No one accepted the committee's invitation for nomination for Secretary of the Division. Nominations from floor were invited. George Barnett was the only individual nominated and he accepted to serve as Division Secretary for two more years.

VI. Awards Committee Report, Bella Mody (Vice-chairperson, Division 5)

The committee recommended mentorship and community service awards, but it was pointed out by Division members that ICA as a whole has found it difficult to get nominees for such awards in the past. Departmental Awards were also suggested, but then would reward based upon the size of the departments and institutions. Another suggestion was a Life-Time Achievement Award regardless of the area involved as long as it involved interests represented in Division 5. Also suggested was an annual Dissertation Award. Since there was no consensus, the chairperson asked Beela Mody to return with a detailed proposal for the next annual conference, considering that some additional fund will be available from membership fees.

VII. New Business

1. The chairperson urged the submission of program proposals for the 1999 San Francisco Conferences which included collaborative and cosponsored programs with other Divisions of ICA. Linda Putman has proposed rewarding divisions who carry out such collaborative efforts with additional program slots.

2. Some Palestinians attending the business meeting expressed their disappointment with ICA because it allowed the conference reception to be hosted by the mayor of Jerusalem because of his prior actions toward the Palestinians. They raised the question, "Did we let funding control the program agenda?" It was pointed out that decisions were not made at the division level but at the association level. However, there was strong agreement voiced by members of the division with the suggestion that expert members of Division 5 should be consulted prior to and during international conferences.

3. Based on the discussion the Division passed the following resolution by consensus: Whereas, a number of factors related to site selection and preparations for conferences, especially outside the United States, may entail culturally sensitive issues; and whereas, the acceptance of financial support from non-ICA sources puts the organization in a potentially vulnerable position; therefore, be it resolved that Division 5 be consulted on all preparations for conferences held by the association outside the United States prior to the time that final decisions are reached.

4. Call for Papers: Mary Jane Collier-new editor of International-Intercultural Communication Annual requested and encouraged the submissions of papers by members of Division 5, and distributed relevant information. William Gudykunst-The first editor of Communication Yearbook who is a member of Division 5, asked for three review chapters (submissions) one each on international communication, developmental communication and intercultural communication.

VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 6:10.


Intercultural Development Communication, a division of the International Communication Association.
Webmaster: Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma). Last update: April 26, 2002