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HSP Newsletter Issue No. 1



Henderson Scholars Newsletter (No. 1)

April 2, 2024

All Love in HSP: Mentor-Mentee Spotlight

HSP Scholar Mentor Mentee photo at move-in.

The love within HSP has always been apparent, and the program’s newest members have been no exception to this. Over the past year, First and Second year scholars have had the opportunity to build close relationships through the peer mentoring initiative.

While most mentors in the program have one mentee, some, like Second-Year Emma Salim, took on two. Balancing involvements ranging from Union Programming Board Director of Development to Baha’i Club President, she still makes time to guide her mentees, First-Years Abby Hunkapillar and Rachael Yett.

Being part of the second cohort of HSP mentors, Emma noted that “Compatibility is always a big concern when you’re meeting someone new, but me and my mentees clicked really well.”

“I was surprised at how fast we clicked; it was a good surprise!”

Her mentees Abby and Rachael both shared a fond appreciation for the mentorship program as well. Through countless shared outings, Union Programming Board Meetings, and dinners, the two have settled into college life well under Emma’s guidance.

Being a freshman comes with the challenges of navigating a new environment. Abby has spoken of the support that Emma has during this time: “She’s always there. If I have a question, she knows the answer.”

Rachael shared her gratitude for the time and care Emma has put into their relationship. Despite both being heavily involved, their shared work with the Union Programming Board has been a way to interact outside of the regular Henderson Scholar Meetings. On top of that, something Rachael has learned from Emma was the importance of being kind and honoring your promises.

“I was very worried about finding my place to belong in college, but it was a lot easier than I thought it would be,” shared Rachael.  

Everyone in HSP is looking forward to the future of friendships made in this program!

Upcoming Dates & Shoutouts

HSP Scholars all participating in Royalty Pageants group photo.

2024 Royalty Pageants

This year, several Henderson Scholars will be participating in OU Royalty pageants celebrating excellence, culture, and scholarship. Be sure to wish these scholars luck or come out to support them! 

  • 3rd Year, Grace Lam, competing for Asian Royalty 2024
    • April 7th, 2024 in the Oklahoma Memorial Union, Meacham Auditorium
    • For more information: @ou_aasa on Instagram
  • 2nd Years, Miranda Renteria and Jose Caballero, competing for Hispanic Royalty 2024
    • For more information: @ouhispanicroyalty on Instagram
  • Congratulations to Second Year, Jasmine Flores, who was recently crowned Miss Purple and White at the Miss Purple and White Scholarship Pageant, hosted by Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity, Inc.!

Want to shoutout a fellow scholar's involvement or leadership on campus? Fill out the following form or contact the HSP Newsletter Editor. 

Newsletter Feedback Form

Newsletter Editor: 
Nathalia Mireles-Mota, Class of 2027

About the Henderson Scholars Program

In 1999 there was a vision to honor Dr. George Henderson by establishing a scholarship program in his name. This vision became a reality in 2001, the Henderson Scholars Program officially came into fruition. For more information visit