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Honors College Travel Award

Honors College Travel Award 

Conference funding is now available for Honors students. If you are an Honors student who has been accepted to present your work at a professional conference, you are eligible to apply for financial assistance. Students may apply for up to $1500 to cover costs associated with conference participation. If selected, you will receive the funding paid as a scholarship directly to your bursar's account. 


Students must apply for funding in advance of the conference. There are 4 cycles of funding per year, with application deadlines:

  • September 15
  • December 1
  • February 15
  • May 1

To apply, submit the following:

1. One paragraph that gives a short description of what the conference is, what you will be presenting, and what your travel plans are. 

2. Documentation of your planned participation in the conference. For example, this could be documented with an acceptance email for your conference proposal, or a copy of the program with your name listed, or something similar.

3.  An estimated budget for your travel expenses. Indicate how much funding you are requesting from the Honors College and whether you are receiving funding from any other OU sources. Be sure to consider the following possible expenses when you are estimating your budget:

  • Conference registration fee
  • Roundtrip airfare (check the rates for your destination)
  • Roundtrip gas mileage (estimate $0.585 per mile if you are driving)
  • Hotel or other lodging 
  • Ground transportation from airport to hotel and back 

4. The contact information for a professor familiar with you and your project. We will contact this person as a reference. 

Submit these items as a single PDF using the following link: