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Graduate Assistantship

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Graduate assistantships provide students with the opportunity to gain meaningful work experience while helping cover the cost of their education.

Many academic units and other administrative areas employ graduate students on a part-time basis as graduate assistants. Graduate assistantships are awarded and governed by the individual appointing units. Some assistantships are open for student applications and are posted on the student job boardFor questions about assistantship opportunities, contact your graduate program



Graduate Assistants who will be reappointed for Fall need to complete payroll paperwork, including a new I-9 and Loyalty Oath, in early August if they were terminated by their department for the summer. In order to be paid on the August Monthly payroll, the necessary paperwork must be in OU Payroll by the August deadline. This means your reappointment paperwork, new I-9 and Loyalty Oath must be completed and in OU Human Resources, Nuclear Engineering Lab (NEL), 905 Asp Ave., Room 122 or through Remote Onboarding with OU Human Resources.

Graduate Assistants who are placed on Leave of Absence Without Pay for the summer and return to their GTA or GRA position in the Fall will not be required to complete a new I-9 or Loyalty Oath.  The department must provide OU Payroll with a Personnel Action Form returning the GTA or GRA from the Leave of Absence Without Pay.

To be eligible for the Student Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Exemption, students must be enrolled at least half-time by August 5 for fall semester, January 5 for spring semester, or June 5 for summer semester. FICA taxes will not be refunded to student employees who fail to be enrolled in the appropriate number of class hours by the aforementioned deadlines.

Note: Courses through the Extended Campus, this includes the College of Professional and Continuing Studies (formerly OU Outreach/College of Continuing Education) and OU North America and Europe (formerly Advanced Programs) courses OU North America & Europe (Advanced Programs) and/or the Center for Independent and Distance Learning (whether online or in-person) are not eligible credit hours for exemption from FICA.

In order to be a Qualifying Graduate Assistant (QGA) and eligible for QGA benefits, students must: 

  • Be admitted to a graduate degree program
  • Hold a minimum .50 FTE* graduate assistant appointment through an academic unit for the entire semester (from the first day of class to the last day of final exams.) The appointment(s) can be a graduate research assistant (GRA) and/or graduate teaching assistant (GTA). 
  • Be enrolled in 5 hours during each semester of the appointment (fall and spring)

*A .50 FTE graduate assistantship may consist of a combined appointment from multiple units on campus (e.g., two .25 FTE assistantships).

Students must be enrolled in classes by August 5 in the fall and January 5 in the spring to be eligible for the Student FICA Exemption on the August and January paychecks. The FICA payroll taxes cannot be refunded for late class enrollment.

Fall or SpringSummerFinal Semester

The minimum enrollment requirement for full-time status is 5 credit hours.

Enrollment requirements for summer GAs differ depending on the student’s circumstances. Not all summer GAs need to be enrolled. See section of the Graduate College Bulletin for more details.

The minimum enrollment requirement for the final semester is 2 credit hours.


Qualifying graduate assistants are eligible for a waiver of up to the total number of hours required for the graduate program, provided they meet the eligibility requirements for QGAs.  

Tuition waivers do not cover: 

  • University fees (estimate the cost of fees using the Tuition and Fees Calculator
  • Tuition for OU Online programs and courses
  • Tuition for Extended Campus (formerly Liberal Studies) courses
  • Tuition for OU North America and Europe (formerly Advanced Programs) courses
  • Tuition for College of Professional and Continuing Studies (formerly OU Outreach) courses
  • Tuition for College of Law courses
  • Audited courses 
  • OU Health Science Center professional degrees

Students and courses in the following programs are not eligible for tuition waivers:

  • All OU Online programs and courses
  • Master of Arts in TESOL
  • Professional Master of Arts in TESOL
  • Simultaneous accelerated programs

More details on tuition waivers and costs not covered can be found in section of the Graduate College Bulletin

Qualifying graduate assistants are eligible for a student health insurance waiver. To participate in the health insurance plan, students must enroll by certain deadlines. For more information, contact the Student Health Plan Office at,  405-325-9196, or visit their website.

Student health insurance cannot be provided to students who reside outside of Oklahoma. 

To work more than .50 FTE (full-time equivalent), graduate research and teaching assistants must have prior approval of the OU Graduate College. Approval is required for any .50 FTE graduate assistant who does any additional paid work for OU, including supplemental pay. 

How to Request to Appoint a Graduate Assistant Over .50 FTE

  • Complete the electronic Request to Appoint a Graduate Assistant over .50 FTE form with the signature of the advisor, graduate liaison, or chair of the student's academic unit
  • If there are questions, please contact Ashley Herndon at (405) 325-3811 or
  • Students and departments will be notified of the determination by the Graduate College via email.

Responsibility of the Graduate Student to Submit the Request to Appoint a Graduate Assistant Over .50 FTE

  • Since graduate assistants appointed over .50 FTE often hold a combination of appointments in various departments, it is the responsibility of the graduate student to submit the Request to Appoint a Graduate Assistant over .50 FTE form to the OU Graduate College for approval prior to the start of the semester.
  • Approvals are granted for one term, so this request process must be completed prior to the start of each semester that a graduate assistantship total FTE exceeds .50. 


  • Graduate students may not be appointed over .70 FTE at any time.
  • Graduate assistants appointed at .70 FTE cannot work for the university in any other capacity, including supplemental pay.
  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • The assistantship(s) must be relevant to the student’s program of study or advisory conference report.
  • The assistantship(s) must not impede the student’s progress towards the degree.
  • Students are generally not approved to work over .50 FTE during the first semester of graduate-level coursework.
  • International students on a student visa are not eligible to exceed .50 FTE during the fall and spring semesters and cannot work for the university in any other capacity, including supplemental pay.
  • International students on a student visa are eligible to exceed .50 during summer and winter intersession.
  • Requests are not required for summer appointments which will exceed .50 FTE.

Tracking Compliance of Graduate Assistantships Exceeding .50 FTE

  • Two weeks into the start of each semester, OU Payroll will generate a report of all graduate assistants who are appointed over .50 FTE. Students with appointments exceeding .50 FTE which were not approved by the OU Graduate College will be notified that a request to the Graduate College is required. Students will then be given one week to submit the Request to Appoint a Graduate Assistant over .50 FTE form to the Graduate College for review. 

Supplemental Pay

  • Departments may not effectively increase a graduate assistant’s FTE via supplemental pay. The Graduate College must approve supplemental pay requests for graduate assistants.

Graduate assistants with a total .50 FTE (full-time equivalent) or greater, may be eligible to enroll in fewer than 5 hours of coursework (3 hours for summer) during their final semester and still be considered full-time for the purpose of maintaining eligibility for a tuition waiver and FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) tax exemption. This helps students avoid paying fees for coursework beyond the hours needed for completion of their degree.

Graduate assistants may receive a one-semester exemption from the FICA tax if they declare their final semester with the Graduate College by completing the online Graduate Assistant Final Semester Declaration form below. This form may be completed one time only.

  • Summer graduates enrolled in less than 3 hours must complete the online form no later than May 22 to receive the FICA tax exemption on their summer paychecks.
  • Fall graduates enrolled in less than 5 hours must complete the online form no later than July 24 to receive the FICA tax exemption on their August paycheck, or by August 25 to receive the FICA tax exemption on their September paycheck, and students must also be enrolled by August 5.
  • Spring graduates enrolled in less than 5 hours must complete the online form no later than December 31 to receive the FICA tax exemption on their January paycheck, and be enrolled by January 5.

Should a student declare their final semester with the Graduate College but not graduate in that semester, the student will no longer be eligible to retain full-time student status with reduced enrollment.

The Graduate College will report to the Office of Financial Aid any students who have self-identified the current semester as their final semester. Students should contact the Student Financial Center for enrollment requirements regarding financial aid eligibility and student loan deferment information.

For International Graduate Assistants

All international graduate students must also obtain separate approval for a reduced course load from International Student Services in their final semester.

Graduate Assistant Final Semester (online)

Appointment Information

A graduate assistant (GA) is a graduate student appointed to the title Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistant (GRA). To qualify for Graduate Assistant Benefits, GAs must hold a minimum .50FTE (full-time equivalent) appointment the entire semester and be enrolled in at least 5 credit hours during the fall and spring terms. See the Final Semester Enrollment requirements below for more details. 

Graduate Assistant Benefits

Qualifying graduate assistants (QGAs) are eligible for a stipend, tuition waiver, and basic student health insurance


Tuition waivers are called waivers because your tuition is “waived.” Tuition is still charged to your account until the waiver is applied. Tuition waivers do not cover university fees. Estimate the cost of fees using the Tuition and Fees Calculator.

GTA Orientation

All newly appointed GTAs at OU are required to complete the Graduate College's New GTA Orientation. This includes GTAs whose duties are grading-only.


This training is not the same as ETCS certification for some international GAs. For questions about orientation, contact


Tuition waivers for qualifying graduate assistants (QGA) are automatically applied to a student's account within the first three weeks of classes. If a graduate assistant changes enrollment after a tuition waiver has been applied, the waiver will automatically get adjusted within 5 business days

Email with questions about tuition waivers. 



Qualifying GAs are eligible for a waiver of up to the total number of hours required for the graduate program. Doctoral students also in a master’s program are eligible for the total number of hours required for the doctoral degree.



Tuition waivers are calculated on the number of hours a student is enrolled in at the time the waiver is awarded. If a student's enrollment increases or decreases, tuition waiver adjustments will be made within five business days.



Students who held or will hold a qualifying appointment in the preceding spring or following fall semester will be eligible for a waiver in the summer, provided they have not exhausted their maximum allowable waiver.


  • The student will receive an offer letter for a Graduate Assistantship, once that offer letter has been accepted and all paperwork has been completed, QGAs will be awarded a tuition waiver. 
  • Tuition Waivers for QGAs are automatically applied to a student's account within the first three weeks of classes.
  • If a graduate assistant changes enrollment after a tuition waiver has been applied, the waiver will automatically get adjusted within 5 business days.
  • Tuition waivers are factored into a student's overall financial aid package.
  • The student is responsible for any tuition not covered by the waiver.


The OU Graduate College provides the New Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation each fall and spring semester for all newly appointed GTAs. 

The New GTA Orientation is required for all newly appointed GTAs, including those in supporting roles where their duties are primarily grading and/or holding office hours. 


Failure to complete this orientation will result in an enrollment hold being placed on the GTA's account for the following semester. 


The New GTA Orientation has an online and in-person component. The online component will be hosted via Canvas asynchronously. For the in-person component of the orientation, all participants must attend one of the synchronous New GTA Orientation workshops, offered in the first five weeks of the semester. Workshop details will be provided via the Canvas platform approximately two weeks prior to the start of the semester.

Registrants will be added to the Spring 2025 orientation's Canvas platform starting on December 4th, 2024, and they will have between 3 and 5 weeks to complete the online component of the orientation, depending on when they register.

For questions regarding the New GTA Orientation, email

All new Spring 2025 GTAs can register via the form linked below for the New GTA Orientation starting on November 18th, 2024.

Register Here

For International GTAs

This orientation is not the same as the English language certification required for some international teaching assistants. For information about this certification, visit the ETCS website.

For additional questions regarding the New GTA Orientation, please email

To access the registration form, you must use your OU Net ID and password. You can set up your OU Net ID and password by following the instructions at OU Information Technology

If you are experiencing any issues obtaining your OU Net ID and password, please contact OU Internet Technology.



If you have questions about offer letters, contact the Graduate Personnel and Finance Coordinator, Ashley Herndon.

GRA for New Students

For offering applicants admission to the university with the invitation to participate as a Research Assistant.



GRA for current students or reappointment

For inviting students admitted to the university to participate as a Graduate Research Assistant.



Non-qualifying GRA

For GRA positions that are not considered a Qualifying Graduate Assistantship.



GTA for new students

For offering applicants admission to the university with the invitation to participate as a Teaching Assistant.



GTA for current students or reappointment

For inviting students admitted to the university to participate as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.



Non-qualifying GTA

For GTA positions that are not considered a Qualifying Graduate Assistantship.




They are eligible for the waiver in the semesters they are appointed (plus summer) as a qualifying GA (.50 FTE assistantship for the full semester).

Starting July 1, 2024, the OU Provost's minimum rate for .50 FTE graduate assistants is $867.69 bi-weekly or $22,560 annually.  

Contact your hiring unit to verify your remaining hours of waiver.

If you have credit hours remaining, and the waiver is still not showing on your OU Bursar statement after the third week of the semester, contact the Graduate College at or 405-325-3811 for assistance.

Hiring units have access to a report of each student and their remaining hours of waiver. Students can also contact to verify waiver eligibility.

If a student is placed on academic probation or fails to make satisfactory progress toward their degree, the student may lose the tuition waiver award. A student who fails to enroll in the minimum number of required hours for the entire semester (fall and spring) will lose the tuition waiver award. If a student fails to have a qualifying graduate assistantship appointment for the entire semester (fall and spring), the student will lose any waiver dependent on that appointment.

OU Bursar Services will send you an e-refund or a check for the amount of your waiver(s) once it appears on your bill.

The hours from the uncompleted degree that apply to the new degree will reduce the limit for the new degree.

Norman campus will be transitioning all employees who are currently paid on a monthly pay schedule to a biweekly schedule between April 2024 and August 2024. The affected populations include salaried staff, 12-month academic appointments, 9-month academic appointments, graduate assistants, and monthly-paid student employees. For questions and resources, please visit their webpage, or contact