The mission of the Education Abroad office is to provide OU students with safe, academically relevant and personally transformative study abroad opportunities across the world.
Physical Address:
The University of Oklahoma
729 Elm Avenue
Farzaneh Hall, Room 144
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-5144
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM
Each College is encouraged to appoint a Study Abroad Liaison to serve as the College's main contact with the Office of Education Abroad and facilitate compliance with the International Educational Travel Guidelines (PDF) established for all University of Oklahoma sponsored study abroad programs led by OU faculty.
Education Abroad calls a meeting of the OU College Study Abroad Network at least once a semester. College Study Abroad Liaisons may be staff or faculty and are selected by the Dean of the College.
If you have a question about developing a faculty-led or other study abroad program for students in your college, please contact one of the liaisons listed below.
OU College | Study Abroad Liaisons |
College of Architecture | Tamera McCuen |
College of Arts and Sciences | Rhonda Kyncl |
College of Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences | Bruce Hoagland |
Michael F. Price College of Business | Annaly Beck |
Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy | Francesca Harrell |
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education | Wendy Walker |
Gallogly College of Engineering | Leslie Detamore |
Honors College | Brian Johnson |
College of International Studies | Jennifer Grover |
Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication | Ralph Beliveau |
College of Law | Rebecca Lucas |
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center | Lori Klimkowski |
Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts | Harold Mortimer |