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Help support the OU Food Pantry through organizing drives, checking out our Amazon Wish List, or donating to our OU Foundation Fund! 

Make a Gift

The OU Food Pantry is not funded by the University of Oklahoma.

We rely exclusively on donations from individuals like you, who understand the importance of helping our OU Family. The OU Food Pantry serves students, faculty, and staff all year long.

Click the button below to make a tax deductible donation to the OU Food Pantry.

Make a Donation

Other Ways to Give

Donate through our Amazon Wishlist.

    • OU Food Pantry Donation Details:
      • Drop off at the OU Food Pantry (331 Cate Center Drive Norman 73072)
      • Donation receipts are available upon request  
    • Donation Requirements
      • Clean
      • Lightly used
      • Free of any tears, holes, or stains
      • Good to excellent quality
      • Appropriate for an interview

      What can I donate?

      • Suits, blazers, blouses/dress shirts, skirts, dresses, and pants/slacks



We accept drop off donations of non-perishable food, toiletries, books and new or gently used clothing items. Please do not bring food items that are expired, broken, or have dents. 

You may donate during hours of operation or may email the OU Food Pantry,, to schedule a drop off time.

  • Canned Fruits 
  • Canned Proteins (Tuna & Chicken)
  • Pastas 
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Snack Items (breakfast bars, Poptarts, chips, any grab and go items)
  • K-cups for coffee machines