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Unnatural Selections Resources

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 Thank you for visiting Un/Natural Selections: Wildlife in Contemporary Art. If the exhibition sparked your curiosity, and you’re looking for ways to learn and engage, check out the ideas and resources below.

Plant a pollinator garden using native plants and flowers that attract birds, butterflies, bees, and more. Okies for Monarchs has some steps to plan your garden or check out additional resources from the Oklahoma Native Plant Network. If you’re in the Norman area, keep an eye out for the next Native Plant Festival at STASH on Main or look for Prairie Wind Nursery at the Farm Market at The Well on Saturdays.

Feed the birds! Put a feeder or water source in your yard. Get started with info from the Audubon Society or visit Wild Birds Unlimited in Norman for advice and supplies.

Bats can use our help too, and they help us by controlling insect populations. Build a simple house to give them shelter using these instructions from Bat Conservation International.

Visit a state park or nature preserve like Sutton Wilderness Park, the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, or the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve to see animals in their natural habitats. Check out these guides from the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation for suggestions of the best places to see birds and other watchable wildlife like bison, prairie dogs, deer, river otters, and more.

Follow WildCare Oklahoma on social media for interesting information about how they help local wildlife. They also share opportunities to get involved, including an annual spring “baby shower” for animals in their care. 

Local chapters of organizations like the Audubon Society and the Nature Conservancy also offer info and ways to get involved.

If you’re interested in contributing to scientific research, there are cool projects you can help with from wherever you are.

Participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count each February in your own yard or local park. Sometimes places like the OKC Zoo or Myriad Gardens also host special events connected to the count.

Join the Great Sunflower Project’s pollinator count anytime.

Is your favorite animal further from home? Get involved with an international project virtually! Volunteers are needed to observe a variety of animals. Here are a few suggestions, but you can find more online.

·       Spot iguanas in the Galapagos with Iguanas from Above. 

·       Choose a type of penguin and be part of Penguin Watch.

·       Count walruses in the Arctic with Walrus from Space.

Visit the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s website to read about the kinds of bats, insects, fish, and other creatures that are currently at risk.

Oklahoma is centrally located on the monarch migration path, and you can learn more about ways to help these butterflies before their populations drop further by checking out resources from Okies for Monarchs.

If you’re looking for inspiration, sign up for the Firehouse Art Center’s monthly ZOO Sketch event. This free program offers the opportunity to sketch animals from life with instruction in drawing techniques.

Through June 30, 2024, families can participate in the OKC Zoo’s annual Read for Adventure program by checking out the original children’s book Juniper’s Butterfly Garden – A Small Start for a Better World at a participating public library. When you return the book, you will receive a voucher for free general admission to the zoo for up to four people sponsored by OG&E. Visit the zoo’s website for details, including a downloadable coloring page and list of participating libraries.

Check out the OKC Zoo’s Conservation Club for 8- to 12-year-olds. Monthly sessions offer opportunities to learn how to help protect the planet through hands-on activities, chats with experts, and expeditions throughout the zoo. Check the zoo’s website later this summer for next school year’s dates as well as other educational experiences for kids and families. 

Check the City of Norman’s website for information about green initiatives and events

Consider volunteering with or donating to one of these organizations, locally or nationally:

·       National Audubon Society 

·       The Nature Conservancy 

·       World Wildlife Fund 

·       Born Free Foundation 

All the artworks in Un/Natural Selections are part of the National Museum of Wildlife Art’s collection. Visit the museum if you’re ever in Jackson Hole, Wyoming or explore virtually.