Performances & Events
The calendar below displays ticketed and non-ticketed public performances & events for the OU School of Music. Click on the event title for more details, including the event location and whether or not the event is ticketed. All event times are in Central Time Zone.
For ticketed events, tickets can be purchased in person, by phone, or online through the Fine Arts Box Office. In addition to the hours posted below, the box office is also open one hour prior to all ticketed concerts. All tickets purchased during that hour are $12. For other ticket price information, please call the box office.
Catlett Music Center
Monday - Friday
11:30am - 5:30pm
(405) 325-4101
Buy Tickets Online
Calendar Not Showing?
Our google calendars should load below this section. They can sometimes take a while longer to load than the surrounding information. If the calendar doesn't load, the first thing you should try is simply refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, see below.
We have received reports of some people experiencing an error from Google Calendar about "Unusual Traffic" while on OU's network. You should be able to complete the reCAPTCHA and the calendar will be shown. If you have any issues getting the reCAPTCHA to work, you can also try a different connection method. For example, if you are on a mobile device, switch off WiFi so you can connect via the cell network. If you are using a VPN, you can try switching it off.
If you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact Daryl Nagode at In the meantime, you can email questions about availability for Performance Halls to Neil Whyte at, or questions about all other room availability to Eric Walschap at