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Hayden iskander performs Winds of Time


General Information

This is the OU composition student's portal to all necessary knowledge and information needed to succeed as a composer at the University of Oklahoma.


OUCF Listserv

The OUCF listserv is the primary means of disseminating important information among students and faculty in the composition program, including announcements concerning department events and various opportunities for professional and creative development. All students enrolled in composition courses are expected to register for the listserv, and must do so in order to have works considered for ther Composing Tomorrow concert series. Composition students should be automatically added to the listserv in their first semester of study.

If this has not happened, please contact Dr. Karathanasis so that he may add you to the listserv. You should expect an email roughly once a week, on Monday or Tuesday (dependant on amount of activities happening in a given week).

To be removed from the list, send an e-mail to and, in the body of the e-mail, give your name, listserv email, and reason for leaving the listserv. Any requests made by current students will not be entertained.


Student Achievements

Composition students are encouraged to actively seek opportunities for professional development and are expected to maintain a record of these honors and activities as part of a resume or vita, which will be reviewed during the student evaluations that are scheduled throughout the year. Composition students who are recognized for their creative or scholarly work (including significant performances, commissions, grants, residencies, selection for conferences, residencies, festivals, and other honors) should inform the composition department chair by the end of each semester. This information is published online, posted on the composition bulletin board and often included in the Student News section of the OU Music website. The information submitted should conform to the following guidelines:

1) Submitted electronically in a format that can be easily imported into another document;

2) Written in the third person in a style similar to that posted on the website;

3) Focusing on activities that have regional, national, or international significance, rather than local activities such as performances on the Composing Tomorrow concert series.

In some cases, students may also be eligible for travel funding through the college of fine arts, graduate student senate, or the university itself to participate in such events. Talk with your primary isntructor for more details.