As your instructor, I agree to:

1. Be available for consultation--You can contact me by e-mail, or stop by my office during office hours. If I am not in my office, leave a message for me on the bulletin board on my office door or in my box in the English Department main office. I will respond to your message promptly. Remember that I am not on campus after 3:30 any day. We can schedule a meeting time that is convenient for both of us whenever you feel that is necessary.

2. Be prepared--I will have a written plan for each class, and I will present the course material in an orderly way.

3. Be punctual--I will begin and end class and conferences on time.

4. Clarify my expectations--I will tell you what my grading system and criteria are. I welcome questions about my expectations at any time.

5. Provide a comfortable and safe class environment--Expressions of prejudice based on race, ethnicity, sex, religion, or sexual preference will not be tolerated in class. I will maintain an environment where you can speak honestly and be heard with respect in class. I will encourage everyone to contribute to class discussions.

6. Evaluate assignments fairly and promptly--I will return all daily assignments at the next class meeting. I will return the final drafts of your essays within 2 weeks. I will clarify the grading criteria I will use for each assignment before it is due.

7. Assign an appropriate amount of relevant homework--All of the homework I assign will directly relate to the essays you are working on. I will not waste your time or mine with busywork. I will abide by the university homework guideline of 2 hours of homework for each hour of class. Your hours of homework for this class will average 6 hours per week throughout the semester.