Directions for Viewing or Printing the Verb Tense Review Presentation

After you click on the verb review link on the online syllabus or on the Cultural Discovery Essay Unit page, a gray screen will appear.  Select OPEN IT from this screen, and then click on OKAY.  When the slides appear, scroll to the top of the page.

To View the slide show, click on View--slide show.  Use your left mouse button to click through the material on the slides and to move to the next slides.  Use the right mouse button at any time and select end slide show when you want to stop looking at the show.

To Print pages from the slide show, click on View--slide sorter.  Then click on the page you want to print.  Then click on File--print.  Select to print the Current Slide or select the Slides option and type in the numbers of the slides you want to print. Select Black and White at the bottom of the window.  In the Print What? window,  select to have 2, 3, or 6 slides printed on one page like a handout.

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