MLA Format Guidelines (See Keys for Writers p. 125)

Paper: White bond, unlined, 8 1/2" X 11"
Print: Dark black, letter quality
Type: Standard font, 10 or 12 point
Spacing: Double-space between lines
Margins: 1" all around, ragged right (left justified)
Page Numbers: Top right margin, 1/2" from the top of every page, include the author's last name, a space, and an Arabic numeral without a period
Paragraphing: Indent 1/2" or 5 spaces
Identification: On first page top left--
Author's name
Instructor: Judy Reynolds
Course number and section
Date paper is submitted
Title: Centered on first page below identification, not underlined, no extra spacing above or below title
Binding: Staple your pages together in the top left corner.  Please do not use plastic covers or a folder to submit your essays.

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