Good Features of an Investigating Stereotypes Essay--Section 004 from 3/28

The author used facts--statistics and history, for example-- to support his/her ideas.
The author included personal experience and revealed how the stereotype affected his/her life.
The source of the stereotype was explained in the essay.
The author used vivid description to make the essay lively and interesting.
The stereotype the author was writing about was clear for readers.
The author used specific examples.
The introduction involved the readers.
The author used quotations to support his/her ideas.
The author expressed his/her feelings and was passionately interested in the topic.
The thesis statement was easy to find.
Maps and photos added support to the author's ideas.
The author didn't just express his/her opinion.  Other sources including an interview were used.
The author included lots of supporting evidence.

Problems to Avoid in an Investigating Stereotypes Essay

The author didn't use enough facts to support his/her ideas.
The author expressed him/herself in language that was too extreme.
The author seemed too subjective.
The sources used were not persuasive.
The author seemed confused about who the audience for the essay was.
The paragraphs of the essay seemed unbalanced.  The ideas in all of the paragraphs were not all well supported.

Good Features of an Investigating Stereotypes Essay -- section 003 from 3/28

The stereotype was clearly described.
The author explained why s/he had the stereotype.
The author used lots of specific examples to support his/her ideas.
The author used lots of sources and did not just base the essay on his/her own opinions.
The sources actually did support the author's ideas.
The author used vivid description.
The ideas were presented in a logical order.
The paragraphs all have topic sentences.
The conclusion was strong and reflects the thesis statement.
The author was not offensive to his/her readers.
The author was passionate about the ideas in the essay.
The introduction made the readers curious.
Maps and photos supported the author's ideas.
The author used personal experiences.
The thesis statement was easy to find.
The author included important background information for the readers.

Problems to Avoid in an Investigating Stereotypes Essay

It wasn't clear who the audience was supposed to be.
The background of the author was missing.
The information in the essay was not accurate.
The author used too many details.
The paragraphs seemed unbalanced.
The sentence structure was a problem
The essay seemed to jump from paragraph to paragraph instead of flowing smoothly.
The order of ideas was not logical.
The author's tone was too aggressive.

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