Welcome to English Composition 1113 sections 28, 36, and 38
From this page you are linked to lots of information about your course this fall 2001 and to a variety of helpful resources for students learning English as an additional language.

Course Info Includes: Course description, Policy statement, Instructor agreement, Judy's current ideas about Good Writing, links to Computer help, and Stamp collecting information!

email to Judy You can send an email message to Judy directly from this page.

Assignments Includes links to all of the assignments you will have this semester.  You will find the syllabi, supporting materials, and Personal Error Inventory directions here. If you lose a class handout, you should be able to find it here and print another copy.

Tools Includes a list of helpful sites like MLA works cited directions, course tools like the Reflections questions, and links to sites that are for ESL learners and writers.

Photos  See photos of former students! You will probably know someone in these photos.

Coursenet  From this link you can email and chat with your classmates.  Follow the directions online.  I will not use this link for posting information about the course.

Office Hours for Fall 2001 are:  Tuesdays 10:30-12:00 and Fridays 9:00-10:00
Office hours are times when Judy will be available in her office.  You can stop by without an appointment to discuss any aspect of the course. If these office hours conflict with your schedule, make an appointment to see Judy at another time that is convenient for you both.

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