Lab Rules/Comportment

1. No food, drinks, gum, or tobacco products in the lab.

2. Computer settings are not to be changed .

3. Absolutely no marking or drawing on the keyboards, monitors, nova stations, or mousepads. Students caught changing settings or defacing the equipment will be asked to leave the lab. In order to eliminate some of the vandalism, we will use a seating chart after the second week of class.

4. Bring at least two (2) high density 3.5" floppy disks formatted for IBM to class for saving and backup. One disk is for your personal use. The second disk is a backup disk which you can also use to hand in assignments. You must make a backup copy of all your files in this class.

5. Currently, our lab is the only lab on campus that does not charge students for laser-printed copies. To keep costs down, save paper, and prevent needless waste of printer ink, please do not print Web pages. Many times, you need only a couple of paragraphs and will print a 20-page web site. Instead, cut and paste text and print from Microsoft Word, or save the website to disk.

6. Do not print out anything in class unless you are assigned to do so . Your printouts will be set in a holder outside the lab tech office. Do not leave the room to get the papers. I will collect and distribute any printouts you have been assigned to create

7. Lab Techs: Your lab tech has final say in matters regarding the computer lab. If  you have problems with your computer, see me, and if I am unable to fix the problem, I will call  the lab tech over to help. Do not try to solve the problem by yourself. The lab techs are trained to deal with any computer problems which arise.

8.. Instructions: You will be learning to use many different kinds of software this semester, and thus it is imperative that you pay attention while I am instructing you on how to use the software. You will all have different stages of computer literacy, and I understand that some of you will not need to be shown how to use some of the applications. This fact, however, does not excuse you from the instructions. Do not use other software or jump ahead of my instructions if you already know how to use the software. If you already know how to use the software, help one of your fellow students who is having difficulty, but do so quietly, so that you do not disrupt the rest of the class. If I notice you working in a program other than the assigned one, I will ask you once to stop. The second time I have to ask you to return to your work, I will count you absent and ask you to leave the class.  If you have a suggestion at any time that will make it easier for the class to use the computer, please tell me so everyone can benefit from your knowledge.

9. Saving Files: For each assignment you have, including daily work, you will be instructed on the title of the document. All word processing documents (which is primarily what you'll be working in) must be saved in Office 2000. If you have a computer at home with a different word processing program on it, don't panic. The lab techs in 237 will translate your documents into Office 2000 for you, but don't wait until the last minute to ask for their help, as they will often be quite busy.

10. Losing Files: Floppy disks are very fragile pieces of equipment and often fail. For this reason, it is important for you to keep at least one backup copy of your files. If you have a backup, you will cut the chance that you will lose your files and thus also the likelihood that you will have to come to me and explain what happened to your assignment that was due. I will give you extra time ONCE if you lose a file, but after that, you will not be given any extra time to turn in your assignment. If you're having trouble making a backup file, come see me and I will show you how to do it.

11. Viruses: Unfortunately viruses are a fact of life, and it is virtually impossible to avoid them. All the labs on campus should have anti-virus software, but even that will not stop viruses from appearing. You are responsible for the materials on your disk. If you find a virus, tell me or a lab tech so that we can try to get rid of it (we have the software capable of destroying most viruses). If you submit a document with a virus, you will lose credit on whatever assignment it is.

12. Before you leave the lab, exit out of all programs, push in your chairs, and pick up any trash .

13. . Thank you for helping us keep the lab running efficiently. Have a great semester!

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