Checking Mail with Netscape Communicator

Filling in User Information:

  1. Launch Communicator
  2. Go to Edit and Preferences
  3. Click the + beside Mail and News Preferences
  4. Click Identity and Fill in your name and E-mail address in the spaces. You only need to fill in a Reply address if you don't want responses sent to the same address from which you check your mail,
  5. Click on Mail Servers. In the Incoming Mail Servers area, click the Edit button. A window will appear. The server name should read and you will need to fill in your OU 4X4 under User Name. Click on the POP tab in the window. If you want to be able to get your mail from a different computer later on, you should check the box marked "Leave messages on server." Otherwise, your mail will be erased when you log off the computer. Click OK
  6. In the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server, make sure that the box reads
  7. Click OK.

Checking your mail:

Once you have filled in  your personal information, click on the second icon in the lower right corner of the navigator window (The box of icons may also appear as a floating box in the upper right part of the screen. If this is the case, click on the icon labeled Inbox.). You will get a prompt for your password. Fill it in and hit OK. If you have messages, they will appear in a list at the top window.
Saving a Message to Disk:
To save a message to your disk to read later, click on the message you want to save and then go to FILE and SAVE AS.  Then give the message a name and make sure you're saving it to the right place (usually your disk).  To read it later, open it in Word or in Netscape.
Forwarding Mail:
  1. If you forget to leave your mail on the server or only want a single piece of mail sent on again or if you want to send a message you received to someone else, you will need to forward the message.
  2. To Forward a message, click on that message and then click on FORWARD on the mail menu (where Get Mail, Delete, etc. are listed).
  3. Type in the address or addresses you want to forward the mail to (for multiple addresses, separate each one with a comma) and then click send.  The message has been forwarded.
Sending Messages:
  1. Click on the New Message icon (you can also go to File then New then Message).
  2. Type in the e-mail address of the recipient.
  3. Type in a subject for the message.
  4. Type the message.
  5. When you're done typing the message, click Send.
Attaching Files to Messages:
  1. To attach a file to an e-mail message, follow steps 1-4 in Sending Messages.
  2. Then, click the Attach Icon and select File.
  3. Choose the file from its location, either on the hard drive or on your disk, and click Open.
  4. You can attach as many files as you want to the message.
  5. When you're done attaching the file(s), click Send to finish sending the message.
Reading an Attachment:
  1. You also need to know how to read attachments which are sent to you.  When you're sent an attachment through Netscape Mail, it appears at the end of the message.
  2. Click on the name of the file.
  3. If the file is a web page, the computer will open the attachment in your browser.
  4. If the file is anything else, you will see a warning screen appear asking if you want to save or open the document.
  5. If you choose to open the document, the program which created the document will launch and the document will appear in a new window. The file will be saved in the Temp folder for as long as you work on it. If you want to work with the file later, you will need to Save it to disk.
  6. If you choose to save the document, you will be given a save window. Choose the location in which you want to save your document, make sure the file has a name, and click Save.
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