Using Microsoft Word and MLA Paper Format

All of your formal papers for this class must be saved in Rich Text Format (RTF). Most word processing programs (including Word 97 which the lab computers has) can save in this format. You must put them in MLA format which means they should be double spaced, have the proper heading, and also have a header. The following are instructions for putting your essay in proper MLA format using Microsoft Word 97 and for saving in RTF using Word (the process will be similar for all word programs).

Get into Microsoft Word. Once you are in Word, the 1st thing you need to do is double space your document. To double space a document, go to FORMAT on the Menu Bar and then to PARAGRAPH. In the third section of the Paragraph box (called Spacing), click on the arrow of the LINE SPACING box and select DOUBLE. Click OK once you've selected double. Your document should now be double spaced (you won't be able to tell until you start typing your essay).

Now it's time to type in the heading. In MLA format, the heading consists of (in this order), 1) your name, 2) your instructor's name, 3) the class name and number, and 4) the date. These items need to be flush left (which is the default setting for the program), each on a separate line.

Once you've put in the heading, you need to title the document. All MLA documents need to have a title, centered, one space after the date. After you type in the date, hit ENTER. Now click the button which has its lines centered (on the same line as the box which says Normal). You should see your cursor move to the center of the page. Type in your title (and make sure it's somehow related to your essay--try to be creative).

Now it's time to start typing your essay. Hit ENTER and then find the button to Left Justify your document (it's the one just to the left of the button you pushed to center the text. Click on the Left Justify button. Your cursor should appear on the left side of the screen now. All paragraphs need to be indented 5 spaces in MLA format. Hit TAB to indent and start typing. When you've finished one paragraph, hit ENTER and TAB and start typing the next paragraph. There should be no spaces between paragraphs.

You also need to put a HEADER on your essay, especially if you plan to print out a copy for an instructor (which you WON'T do for this class). To add a header to your essay, go to VIEW on the top menu and select HEADER AND FOOTER. Your essay should go gray and a dotted box labeled Header should appear at the top of your essay with a menu bar below it. Right now the cursor is blinking at the left of the page. You want it to be on the right side, so hit TAB twice. The cursor should now be on the right side of the page. Type in your last name, a space, and then click on the # button on the menu bar. A number should appear (it will vary depending on which page you're on when you add the Header). Now Word will automatically number all of your pages.

I've put a sample MLA document online for you to look at. It should open in Word, but if you have trouble with it, save it to disk and then open it with Word.

The first time you save your document you will have to name it. When you click on the disk icon (or go to FILE, SAVE AS) a window will appear. Title your documents with the assigned name (it will always end with your complete initials). At the bottom of the save window, there is a box labeled SAVE AS TYPE. Click on this box and scroll until you see Rich Text Fomat. Select this format and then save your document. That is all you need to do to save in RTF. Make sure you remember to save as RTF every time you create a document. Please make sure that you save your document to your disk and not to the hard drive. The computers in many of the labs on campus will not save your documents once you log off the computer. The box at the top of the save menu will tell you where the document will be saved. Usually the 3.5" floppy drive is the A: drive (and the default is usually the My Documents folder).

You also need to make backup copies of all of your major documents. Many students have had troubles with losing documents, and the more copies of it you have, the less likely you are to lose your document.

You also need to spell check your documents. To spell check, you can click on the button with a check and the letters ABC on it, or you can go to TOOLS on the top menu and select SPELLING AND GRAMMAR. For some of you the grammar checker may be of use, though I would use it with some cautions as it often makes suggestions which do not apply to the document. One of the features of Office 97 is that it automatically checks your grammar and spelling. If you see a wavy red line appear under a word, it means Office 97 doesn't recognize the word (it often won't recognize names). If you want to spell check that word only, put the mouse on it and Right Click. If the program has a suggestion to make for the correct spelling, it will appear in the box which pops up. Select the one you want to replace your word. The grammar checker works similarly, but often it won't have a suggestion to make.

If you have any questions about MLA format or about using Microsoft Word, please see me.

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