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Join Our Community & Programs!

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Faces of students from OP Live in 2018 in Dallas, TX.

Join Our Community

Our community is focused creating a safe space for all gamers regardless of platform, genre, or any other discernible demographic you can come up with. Leveraging our origin student organization in the OU Gaming Club through the digital community organization platform, Discord, we have grown this community from the 10 starting members in September 2017 to over 3.1K in Fall 2022! 

Our Discord is open to the public regardless of any affiliation globally with registration available to OU students and alumni currently available. Registration will enable access to more community channels and resources as well as unique naming and coloring in the server. We'll be adding registration workflows for faculty and staff to expand the reach into full community coverage as our continued value add back to the university and power of our topic. 

As a community and culture, our Discord is heavily regulated with full fledged rules and governance. We didn't get to 2.1K+ members allowing negative aspects to thrive. Toxicity, controversial topics, negative comments and actions have no place in our Discord and we have a zero tolerance policy for blatant violators of decency and commaraderie. We welcome and embrace all, however, we do realize this is also a cultural shift for gaming communities globally as they are not used to organization, support, and opportunity at this level. Growing pains are part of the process and we adapt on the fly. 

2022-2023 Org Overview (Recruitment Video)

Organizational Pulse ('21-'22 Snapshot)

Every July 1 we reset all registrations to ensure only active students are registered and to also push recent graduates into alumni registration workflows and keep numbers accurate and curated. 

*End of July 2021 (All registration reset officially on July 12th)

  • Membership Cost: $0
  • Discord Community Size: 3100+ 
  • Registered OU Students: 600+
  • Students Involved in OU Esports Programs: 180+


Why are the OU students different than Discord numbers? Because we allow our process to be free flowing and easy for students and fans to get involved versus gatekeeping access to our communities fully. Registered students in the org gain access to other incentives and channels. Since we've grown this community organically it self regulates with zero pressure for students to register and a testament to our mission of creating opportunity and community that is easy to be a part of. The option to do more is always there, but we do not push further than saying this is how you register.

Annual Processes & Reset: Every July we completely reset all student/staff/faculty permissions to allow for proper reporting and analytics. This year we have a single application for membership, developments, and scholarships. Follow our social media our join our Discord below to stay on top of the news. 

How do you get started?

Simple! All you need is Discord! This is a 100% free application with apps for web, ios, android, mac, PC, & Linux. Discord is designed to be a digital communities organizational tool and has become exponentially more popular in recent years thanks to the ease of use, poewrful A/V functions, and ability to sculpt and focus community structure. We leverage Discord for event coordination, community communication, as well as strategic development through and through. Discord globally has tons of servers that might also help you find a community with your specific passion like art, being a sneakerhead, movies, etc. 

Don't have a Discord account already? Just click the above link and it'll send you to our Discord and the automated process of creating your Discord account.

I Want to Get Involved in The Programs!

All of our programs are coordinated within Discord and all start with being a member of our community first and foremost. Currently, all applications for our programs are housed in this Discord and available to all registered OU students in the community. 

What if I'm an OU student?

As stated above, all can join our Discord with no prerequisities. For OU students regardless of incoming, transfer, current, undergrand, post-grad, doctoral, Norman, HSC, or Tulsa, there is an application link you gain access to upon being inside our Discord. Because of our workflow we will not be posting our application publicly at this time because if you're not in the Discord beforehand we have no way of granting permissions effectively in our process. See you in the Discord! 

What if I'm an OU faculty or staff member?

For the first time ever the OU Gaming Club and its communities are open to the entire OU campus. Student, faculty, and staff alike can now be involved in our community and its programming. The application for your registration is inside the Discord link above.

What if I'm an OU Alum?

You've already done the work! You've already achieved your goal! You're still welcome here! OU Alumni can join this Discord and have a registration form in the rules section of the Discord to enable access to specific portions of the community as well as gain your year of achievement and color as a proud Sooner gamer! See you in the Discord!