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Students interact in the Helmerich Collaborative Learning Center in Bizzell Memorial Library.

Sooner Works

What is Sooner Works?

The University of Oklahoma’s Sooner Works is a four-year comprehensive integrated program for students with an intellectual or developmental disability who desire a postsecondary experience on a college campus. Students in Sooner Works live on campus and take traditional university courses in conjunction with courses specific to Sooner Works. In addition, students participate in internships and social organizations on the beautiful University of Oklahoma campus. Sooner Works started the fall of 2019, and that first cohort of 3 students graduated in spring 2023 with a certificate in Integrated Community Studies. The purpose of the Integrated Community Studies Certificate is to prepare young adults with intellectual disabilities for successful adult outcomes, which includes obtaining integrated employment, developing essential skills necessary for independent living, enhancing academic skills, and becoming contributing members of their community. In working toward the Integrated Community Studies Certificate, the mission of Sooner Works is to facilitate future meaningful employment and community integration for all participants. 

Click the following links to learn more about Sooner Works!

Sooner Works Program Components

Planning is done through a concept called Person-Centered Planning (PCP). This approach helps students create a vision for the future and set that vision into action. All students attend a PCP class with their classmates in Sooner Works in addition to individual meetings once a week with their PCP leader to ensure progress. Additional resources and support are implemented when needed, such as transportation training, additional tutoring sessions, and socialization/independent skills training.

A major component of enrollment at OU is academic success. Students in Sooner Works participate in two inclusive/traditional OU courses each semester and one one-hour Sooner Works course. However, success is more than grades--also included is preparation for class, homework, group work, reading, and the time necessary to balance all these activities.

A key reason students come to OU is to improve their employment opportunities. This is implemented through a mix of customized support while also leveraging existing career services on campus. Students in Sooner Works participate in job exploration and internships beginning with 5 hours/week the second semester of their freshmen year. Sophomores intern 10 hours/week. Juniors intern 15 hours/week. Seniors intern 15-20 hours a week, ideally in a paid position in Norman or in a nearby community. Sooner Works currently partners with over 40 internship sites and develops relationships with new organizations and businesses every semester. Some of our internship sites include Sarkeys Fitness Center, OU Athletics, the Institute of Child Development, Sam Noble Museum, OU Jimmie Austin Golf Club, the OK Center for Public Management, Gaylord College of Journalism, and many more. 

One of the most beneficial components to college is the ability for students to live on their own for the first time while still having a safety net. However, for the population served under Sooner Works, this is one of the most difficult areas. Sooner Works offers students direct instruction in independent living skills and assistance working with campus housing. First-year students have private bedrooms in suite-style housing in the residential colleges. After freshmen year, students may opt for individual or integrated rooms based on preference. 

A unique feature of Sooner Works is our partnership with the OU School of Social Work. In addition to having a full-time Social Worker on staff, Sooner Works annually hosts undergraduate students pursuing their Bachelor’s in Social Work as practicum interns to work directly with students in Sooner Works. Cooking class, weekly workouts, public transportation, home visits or “dorm checks,” and providing students with knowledge regarding campus and local resources are some of the major areas that our Social Work interns focus on during their practicum year with Sooner Works. With these supports in place, we can assess students' independent living skills and provide additional support as needed such as teaching laundry skills, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc.

OU’s student body is unique and university life is exciting. However, for individuals with disabilities learning to be a functional member on campus, it can be difficult. Sooner Works offers help in navigating social environments on campus and in the community. Students join any of the 600+ university clubs and organizations. A student in Sooner Works even started their own club! We encourage students to participate in the larger OU community as much as possible, while also engaging with their peers at events hosted by Sooner Works and/or Peer Partners. Sooner Works hosts at least one tailgate event every semester during family weekend and invites students’ families.

Sooner Works Leadership Team

Dr. Kendra Williams-Diehm

Executive Director

Dr. Anna Barritt

Program Director

Rylee Murray, MSW

Social Worker & Independent Living Coordinator

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Donation Information

Currently, Sooner Works is completely funded through program fees paid by participants. Our plan is to grow this program slowly and organically; however, we can reach more students with your help! If you are interested in contributing to the Sooner Works program, please use the link below to donate. All donations are tax deductible and will go toward program growth and student scholarships.


Application Information

Applications are now closed.


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(405) 325-4543