Amy Brandley is a certified health coach, specializing in supporting mental health and in helping older adults live active and healthy lives. In addition to behavior change techniques, Amy is trained in health subjects including stress management, meditation/mindfulness, nutrition and food prep, exercise and movement, and healthy sleep. She helps her clients connect to their wellness vision and reach their health goals. Amy is also a certified yoga teacher and emphasizes stress relief, body awareness and self-acceptance. She has taught yoga at her own studio, public libraries, educational institutions, state agencies and more. Along with working in the wellness field, Amy has served as a public administration professional including public library consultant for the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and grant coordinator at the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. She has a bachelor of arts in social relations from Cornell University and a master of public administration from the University of Central Oklahoma.
Fun Fact: In the summer of 2021, Amy decided to fulfill a dream to live and work at retreat centers. She spent four months at Ghost Ranch Education and Retreat Center in north central New Mexico as a host and wellness activities instructor and eight months as manager at the Osage Forest of Peace, a spiritual retreat center near Tulsa, Oklahoma. These experiences helped her connect more deeply to the natural world, strengthen her spirituality, explore new places, and meet lots of interesting people.
Encouraging Note: Take a few minutes each day (or longer/more often if possible) to check in with yourself: take some deep breaths, let your awareness settle into your body, acknowledge your inner wisdom. Notice how you’re feeling and nurture some kindness for yourself and what you might be dealing with that day. You deserve your love and care!