Haslerig, Hextrum Receive Spencer Foundation Grant

Associate Professor Siduri Haslerig (PI) and Assistant Professor Kirsten Hextrum (Co-PI) were awarded a $50,000 Conference Grant from the Spencer Foundation. With this funding, they will organize and host a “Colloquium on College Sport (In)Equity: Working within and beyond the law to achieve intersectional racial justice praxis.” This event will assemble an interdisciplinary group of critical scholars of college sport for a series of four virtual meeting sessions in January and February 2022 to interrogate the limitations in current approaches and propose shifts to the theoretical, methodological, pedagogical and media engagement approaches used by college sports scholars. The colloquium invites scholarly dialogue that will advance the field in ways that are intersectional and nuanced. Following the conference, expected outcomes include: 1) an edited volume; 2) innovations for curriculum and teaching of athletics practitioners; 3) external outreach strategies to shift media conversations; and 4) selected colloquium recordings for public distribution.

Colloquium organizers Haslerig and Hextrum are faculty members in the educational leadership and policy studies department’s adult and higher education program and intercollegiate athletics administration concentration, as well as faculty affiliates in women’s and gender studies.