EACS M.Ed. Offered Online
If you are interested in pursuing a Master of Education in Educational Administration, Curriculum and Supervision, the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education is now offering a 100% online program.
The online Master of Education in EACS will foster aspiring education leaders to principalship and other educational roles. The program is 36 credit hours and is designed for working adults. It can be completed in as little as 24 months while working full time.
The program is being led by Professor Jeffrey Maiden and Clinical Professor and Program Area Coordinator John Jones.
With a master’s degree, educators will likely have access to higher-paying jobs and career advancement opportunities. The program prepares students for leadership positions in school systems, administrative government, advocacy centers and scholarly positions in universities.
The coursework includes the theory of effective leadership and cultivating successful schools, but also is grounded in practice. The program has a strong emphasis on instructional improvement and transformative leadership to increase student achievement. The JRCoE’s program connects students with partners in the education field, allowing them to network outside of the classroom. Students will be mentored by expert principals and OU professors in an internship.
For more information on the program, visit https://www.ou.edu/education/academics/masters/eacs