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DISC Members Visit Sapienza University of Rome

June 14, 2022

DISC Members Visit Sapienza University of Rome

DISC team members, Director David Ebert and faculty fellow Jeong-Nam Kim visited the Sapienza University of Rome to discuss collaboration opportunities and attend a special Symposium on the topic of Publics, Pseudo-Information and Data Analytics. 

Ebert presented research on Trustable, Robust, Social Media Analytics for Societal Challenges Utilizing Human-in-Loop AI: Solving Global Challenges and Accelerating Scientific Discovery. Kim discussed Cognitive Arrest in Conspiracism: Why People Get Bogged Down in Conspiratorial Thinking and How They Might Escape from It. 

The Symposium was attended by around 25 La Sapienza collegues and graduate students who were intrigued with how data could enhance conventional approaches in social problems.