Survey results
Comparison of common statements 3. The military is a great career for a young person in
the United States.
5. People in the United States respect those who serve
in the military.
6. The U.S. military has a strong link to American society.
8. Jobs involving computers and technology would draw
more young people into the military.
10. The military has lost touch with society.
11. The American people only care about their military
when there is a war.
14. Young people today are too spoiled to handle the rigors
of military life.
17. Lower standards of acceptance will solve the military’s
recruiting problems.
18. The internet is the key to attracting young people
to the military.
19. More education benefits are needed to draw young people
into the military services.
21. The economy is too strong now for young people to
consider the military as an option.
22. Young people in America aren’t interested in living
disciplined lives.
23. The idea of sacrificing for your country is an out-dated
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