Appendix A: Pretest Survey
1. What is your branch of service:
□ Army □ Air Force □ Coast Guard
□ Navy □ Marines
2. What is your paygrade:
□ E1 – E4 □ GS □ Contract Employee
□ E5 or above □ O1 – O4
□ WO □ O5 or above
3. Do you make/influence PA decisions in your office:
□ Yes □ No
4. When solving PA issues, what resources do you use (rank most [1] to least [8]):
□ Miltary Regs □ Others’ Experiences □ Personal Experience
□ Military Pubs □ PA Websites □ PA Pubs
□ Outside Agencies □ PA Forums □ Other ________________________
5. Do you currently share your PA experiences with other commands:
□ Yes □ No
6. Do you currently share your PA experiences with other services:
□ Yes □ No
7. How do you share your PA experiences with other services (rank most [1] to least [8]):
□ Phone □ In Person □ PA Websites
□ E-mail □ PA Forums □ Other ________________________
8. Do you know what the DoD Joint Course in Communication Capstone Projects are:
□ Yes □ No (Skip to question 12)
9. If you know what the Capstone Projects are, have you used them in solving PA issues:
□ Yes □ No (Skip to question 12)
10. If you have used the Capstone Projects, did they help you solve the PA issue:
□ Yes □ No
11. If you used the Capstone Projects, please explain their major strengths and/or weaknesses:
12. Would a website containing PA theory, problems, and potential solutions benefit you in the performance of your PA decision making process:
□ Yes □ No
13. What types of resources would help you most in your PA decision making process:
14. How can PA knowledge best be shared among the services: