OU Data and Security Policies
Those using OU computing resources and data should observe data and security policies defined by the university. The scope of these polices is campus-wide. Some policies listed on the links below have an INTERIM tag, though they should be considered active. They are still labeled INTERIM because they have been approved by executive committee only. The INTERIM will be removed once they complete the entire approval process.
Current OU IT Security Policies are found here.
Current OU IT policies related to the appropriate handling of sensitive and confidential data can be found here.
If you have any questions regarding data and security policies, standards, or regulations, please e-mail April Dickson (April-Dickson@ouhsc.edu), who is Director for Governance, Risk, and Compliance, OU IT (all OU campuses).
If you have any questions regarding data governance or GDPR, please e-mail Susannah Livingood (slivingood@ou.edu), who is the university's Data Protection Officer.