Emine's research interests focus on utilizing properties of quantum physics, such as entanglement and coherence, in atomic, molecular and optical systems to study phenomena that are classically intractable. Her work builds on two pillars: study of open system engineering in many-body quantum systems and precision measurements of violations of discrete spacetime symmetries using atomic systems. In the former pillar, Emine is interested in the design and characterization of open quantum systems with Bose-Einstein condensates as her platform. She employs weak measurements and quantum control to develop robust quantum simulators. Emine is also studying atomic parity violation (APV) — a manifestation of strong-force induced modifications of electroweak interactions — with tabletop-scale methods. This line of research is at the intersection of precision measurements, quantum metrology and quantum sensing, and targets new physics searches.
Emine Altuntas
Assistant Professor
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics