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OU Daily earns 9 honors in Oklahoma SPJ contest

OU Daily editors Jazz Wolfe, Jillian Taylor and Karoline Leonard interview OU President Joseph Harroz in May 2023.
The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.

OU Daily earns 9 honors in Oklahoma SPJ contest

Oct. 4, 2023

The staff of the OU Daily earned nine honors in the Oklahoma Society of Professional Journalists’ annual contest

Competing against professionals in results announced last week, the Daily’s magazine and website earned third place and honorable mention honors, respectively, against professional media outlets in the state. Additionally, Daily staffers took individual honors in the following categories:

Profile reporting:

  • 2nd — A piece by Mason Young (Oklahoma City) on OU quarterback Dillon Gabriel. “This would be an impressive profile by anyone,” judges wrote, “but to be written by a college journalist is amazing. The amount and depth of information led the pack in this category.”

Sports reporting:

Sports photography:

Spot news:

Additionally, current OU Daily staffer Taylor Jones (Anna, Texas) was honored for work she contributed to KGOU. 

At least 14 Student Media/OU Daily alumni also were recognized for their work, including: 

  • Logan Layden of KGOU
  • Beth Wallis of StateImpact Oklahoma
  • Whitney Bryen of Oklahoma Watch
  • Rick Maranon of Fox 23 in Tulsa
  • Tres Savage, Matt Patterson, Joe Tomlinson and Bennett Brinkman of NonDoc Media
  • Shannon Shaw Duty of Osage News
  • Kayla Branch, Jennifer Palmer, Clifton Adcock, Brianna Bailey of The Frontier
  • Blayklee Freed of Tulsa People

About OU Student Media

OU Student Media is the steward of the OU Daily, which for more than a century has served Norman with free independent local journalism, the city's largest reporting staff and nationally honored coverage while launching the careers of media professionals. OU Daily produces news 24/7 online and in premium print products available in approximately 50 locations around Norman year-round.