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PLC Adapts to Pandemic

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PLC Adapts to the Pandemic

PLC Advisors welcoming the new PLC 60 class in the forum wearing masks in response to the pandemic.

The 2020-2021 academic year came with new protocols and the arrival of the 60th President’s Leadership Class.

In the past, the new academic year has kicked off with a President’s Leadership Class luncheon in the Molly Shi Boren Ballroom. Unfortunately, this year the luncheon could not be held due to COVID-19.

“While things didn’t kick off the way they have in the past, this year has been unforgettable in terms of how this program and its students have been willing to go above and beyond. I’ve had a blast seeing everyone be so creative with their engagement,” said Peyton Nees, former adviser to the 58th President’s Leadership Class. 

Meetings have looked a little different this year, too. Typically, PLC would meet in Davenports, a conference area located on the second floor of Couch Cafeteria, this year, students meet in the Thurman J. White Forum Building, south of the cafeteria and west of Cross. 

While attending these meetings, students remain socially distanced and masked, but have continued to live their PLC experience to the fullest. Advisers Mariah Brown and Josh Robinson have kept spirits high with a socially-distanced retreat and talent show, class-wide games and a commitment to giving the 60th PLC a year to remember.

“Mariah and I have been so proud of our students and their ability to make the most of this year,” said Robinson. “We knew coming in that we loved PLC, but this year proved to us that this organization is so much more than a student group, it's a family thriving through unforeseen circumstances.”

Looking back to 2020, the 59th President’s Leadership Class also experienced an untraditional end to their year due to the pandemic. Following spring break of 2020, the 59th class attended meetings from their homes through Zoom. 

59th President’s Leadership Class member Luke Hammock felt the transition went smoothly thanks to team effort. 

“While switching from in-person to virtual PLC was disheartening, our members chose to tackle the situation with pure excitement and optimism,” Hammock said. “The transition was nothing short of smooth and organized.” 

Other students like Aiman Saleemi also felt this transition was challenging but needed. 

“As much as I wanted PLC to be in person, I knew it was safer to do it virtually. I love my PLC family and it was unfortunate our PLC experience ended this way, but I would rather have all my friends from PLC be safe. I was still able to create even stronger bonds and special memories,” said Saleemi.

Despite the time of transition and challenge, the 59th class concluded a fantastic year full of development and leadership enrichment. 

“Although the world can be very dark, I believe our ability to find the light within the darkness is key to life. One of the bright, shining lights during this time were my friends in PLC,” said Hammock.

“PLC has really affected my life in the best way ever,” said Saleemi. “I have created beautiful friendships and relationships. Because the bonds are so strong, not even COVID could ruin my experience. Hopefully in the future, we get to do the things we planned, and I will be able to lead alongside my PLC family.”

About President's Leadership Class

In 1961, the President's Leadership Class (PLC) was created to keep outstanding Oklahoma high school students in state for college. PLC has become one of the most recognized freshman leadership programs in the nation. For more information visit