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Alumni Spotlight: PLC 57

Interlocking OU, President's Leadership Class wordmark.

PLC Alumni Spotlight: PLC 57

PLC 57 group photo outside wearing matching blue shirts.
PLC students group photo outside.
PLC students group photo outside.
PLC students group photo at a murder mystery dinner.
PLC students group photo outside in Italy.

What’s your favorite PLC memory?

“My favorite memory from PLC is the annual picnic at Burr Park because PLC alumni get to come together and celebrate the school year. It feels like freshman year all over again when we are all together.” - Brenna Hibbs

“The PLC sleepover is always one of my favorite events of the year. It's such fun for everyone to get together and decompress in the midst of finals season, and it's always so great to hear words of wisdom from the graduating seniors at their last PLC event. I've also enjoyed giving the PLC sleepover ghost tours the past few years, it's been a great way to meet younger PLCers and share some of the interesting bits of OU history that people don't often hear about.”  - Reece Henry

“My favorite PLC memory was the Arezzo trip during the summer. Our group had so much fun together, and we learned so much about life, culture, and politics in Italy.” - Joe Stanke

What has OU PLC meant to you?

“OU PLC gave me a super intentional community during my freshman year and throughout college. It gave me mentors and mentorship opportunities, a deep community that continues to exist and thrive in my life and gave me memories that shaped my OU experience. I could not be more grateful to have been a member of PLC 57 and will be forever grateful for the memories and friends I inherited through this opportunity.” - Rachel Disler

“PLC taught me that a leader has many different roles on this campus. I learned that everyone leads differently, but these different styles are what make us effective leaders. OU PLC gave me something extremely valuable — perspective.” - Kate Kemmett

“The meaning that this group has had to me is a group of self-driven individuals that are striving to make a difference in the university, their community or the world.” - Alberto Alonso-Sandoval

“OU PLC to me has meant having a family. PLC was where I found the people who truly care and wanted nothing but the best for me.” - James Thompson

“PLC has by far been my most rewarding college experience. It has taught me incredibly valuable lessons and provided me with remarkable opportunities, but most importantly, it has brought me a group of friends that I will cherish for the rest of my life. PLC attracts and fosters some of the most amazing people, and this organization has given me friends that have truly become like family.” - Reece Henry

What is your advice for future PLC members? 

“Honor the commitment! There are so many exciting things about freshman year, and it is important to make sure you don't lose PLC among all your other commitments. It invests in you as you invest in it, remember that! So many things about college fill your time and not your heart — choose to invest in the things that fuel you best.” - Rachel Disler

“Find your niche on campus and make a difference there! I took my skills from PLC and applied them to my life in the College of Fine Arts. You may feel different from the other people in your class, but you are there for a reason! Learn from your PLC classmates and use those skills anywhere you can.” - Kate Kemmett

“The advice I would give to future PLC members is to challenge yourselves. This might seem cliche, but it should serve as a reminder that we live in a dynamic and ever-evolving world. So, if we do not take time to challenge ourselves, then we will not be in the flow of life and every experience within it, like PLC.” - Alberto Alonso-Sandoval

“Be invested in your freshman year! Make new friends! Encourage people to reach out of their comfort zones!” - Katherine McKee

“My advice to future PLC members is that regardless of the kind of leader you are-whether you are the loudest in the room or the quietest in the room — it is important to listen to the perspectives and stories around you.” - Brenna Hibbs

“Cherish every minute of your time in PLC! It is so easy as a college freshman to constantly be looking forward to the things you will do and the wonderful things you will achieve, but don't spend so much time anticipating the future that you squander the gifts you have in the present. Take the time to get to know every person in your PLC class and do it early. There are some incredible people in your midst, but you'll never know that unless you reach out to meet them!” - Reece Henry

PLC 57 - As you enter your next chapter at OU, whether it be another degree or entering the professional world, we are grateful for the countless ways you have represented the President’s Leadership Class on OU’s campus and beyond. We can’t wait to see the many ways you impact this world for the better!

About President's Leadership Class

In 1961, the President's Leadership Class (PLC) was created to keep outstanding Oklahoma high school students in state for college. PLC has become one of the most recognized freshman leadership programs in the nation. For more information visit