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University Announces Major Gift from Jonny and Brenda Jones

University Announces Major Gift from Jonny and Brenda Jones

Jacobson Hall pictured on OU's historic North Oval.

Home to the OU Welcome Center and Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Jacobson Hall offers prospective students and their families a first impression of the university, with guided tours of OU’s nationally recognized campus beginning on its front steps.

OCTOBER 12, 2022

The University of Oklahoma is ushering in an extraordinary and historic Homecoming Week by celebrating the tremendous generosity and enthusiastic support of OU alumni and friends around the world.

In addition to OU’s traditional Homecoming events that draw thousands of alumni and friends to Norman, this year’s Homecoming Week will honor the university’s storied legacy and set the stage for an ambitious future. OU community members in cities across the country and the world – even as far away as London, Paris and Arezzo, Italy – will celebrate with the university this week from afar, honoring the global reach of OU’s impact and launching a new era of excellence. 

“When we think about OU Homecoming, we don’t just think about a return to campus – we see this as a moment to celebrate our shared heritage as the OU Family and to cherish the place that brought us together and changed our lives – no matter where we are now,” said OU President Joseph Harroz Jr. “Our donors demonstrate their deep commitment to OU throughout the year – a direct testament to the impact and legacy this university leaves on the lives it touches.”

After a record-breaking year of giving – OU brought in an unparalleled $317 million in gifts and pledges during fiscal year 2022 – the university is aiming even higher and, with the help of alumni and friends, hopes to see a wave of support for its work.

"It’s because of our incredible alumni and supporters that we can build upon over a century of excellence to ensure the University of Oklahoma remains a transformative place of opportunity for many generations to come.”

 President Joseph Harroz, Jr.

“Their loyalty and fervent belief in our momentum inspires us to continually reach higher and explore new ways we can change lives through education, innovation and service,” Harroz said.

This week, OU is recognizing several significant gifts that will continue to enhance the university’s national reputation as an extraordinary place that remains accessible to all.

Among them is Mewbourne College alumnus and Board of Visitors member Jonny Jones and his wife Brenda.

Jonny and Brenda Jones with their family at Mewbourne College's Student and Alumni Awards Banquet in 2019. Pictured (L to R): Julie Jones Jarvis, Sydney Jones, Jack Jones, Brenda Jones, Jonny Jones, the late Jon Rex Jones, Stephen Jones and Michelle Jones.

Jonny and Brenda Jones with their family at Mewbourne College's Student and Alumni Awards Banquet in 2019. Pictured (L to R): Julie Jones Jarvis, Sydney Jones, Jack Jones, Brenda Jones, Jonny Jones, Jon Rex Jones, Stephen Jones and Michelle Jones.

A $15 million gift from longtime supporters and alumni Jonny and Brenda Jones is helping fund the renovation and expansion of Jacobson Hall, one of the oldest buildings on the Norman campus. 

Home to the OU Welcome Center and the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Jacobson Hall offers prospective students and their families a first impression of the university, with guided tours of OU’s nationally recognized campus beginning on its front steps. The transformational gift from the Jones family will ensure that OU is best positioned to welcome top students for years to come. In recognition of the gift, the OU Board of Regents approved the naming of Jacobson Hall’s campus visitor center to the Jones Family Welcome Center. 

The modernized welcome center will serve as a fitting introduction to a university that has stepped boldly into the future while honoring its rich history.

Portrait of Sarah Warren.

About the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy

The Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy improves people’s lives through research, education and service by studying Earth’s past and present, developing new energy tools and resources, and creating geoscientists and engineers who work across disciplines to address some of society’s most critical challenges.

Portrait of Sarah Warren.

Media Contact

Sarah Warren is the director of communications and events at the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy. For the last four years, she's been writing and telling the stories of Mewbourne College. Her work has landed stories on VoxForbes and countless other news outlets across the country. For media inquiries, you can email Sarah or call her at 405-325-8981.