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Advancing Grassland Bird Stopover and Wintering Habitat Models to Inform Landscape Management Practices in the Southern Great Plains

Advancing Grassland Bird Stopover and Wintering Habitat Models to Inform Landscape Management Practices in the Southern Great Plains​

Date: ​2019 to 2022​

Primary Contact: Jeremy Ross​

Research Location: ​Norman, Oklahoma​

Funding: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation​


The purpose of this project is to bridge key knowledge gaps in the migratory and wintering ecology of four grassland bird species of conservation concern: Chestnut-collared Longspur, McCown's Longspur, SPrague's Pipit, and Baird's Sparrow.

In addition to increasing our understanding of the full life-cycle ecology of our focal species, we will also aim to: (1) develop and disseminate improved monitoring and management techniques for these species, as well as (2) expand research infrastructure and knowledge basis in the region as a means to foster complimentary studies of other grassland avifauna.