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Student Profiles

Doctoral Students

Mohammad Mukhtaruzzaman received his BS and MS in Computer Science and Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is pursuing his PhD in Computer Science at University of Oklahoma under the supervision of Dr. Mohammed Atiquzzaman and expected to be graduated by Spring 2023. His research interests include Wireless Networks, VANET, Intelligent Transportation System, wireless and mobile networks, machine-learning for IoT and big data for financial systems.

My current research is on Interpretable Machine Learning on tree based models.

William is a Norman native and 2nd year PhD student in Data Science & Analytics. He is advised by Dr. Dimitrios Diochnos and Dr. Sean Crowell and is interested in machine learning and uncertainty quantification applied to problems in Atmospheric and Environmental science. Currently, he works as a research assistant for the NASA GeoCarb mission and holds a research affiliation with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, bringing machine learning data quality products to operation for the Orbital Carbon Observatory.

Debra Hogue is a Computer Scientist at 76th Software Engineering Group/Tinker AFB with 10 years of experience as a software developer. She was awarded the SMART scholarship in 2021 to fully fund her PhD journey at OU. Her research area resides within computer vision with a focus of advancing camouflage object detection and segmentation techniques.

Egawati Panjei was a Fulbright Foreign Student and received the MS from the University of Oklahoma. After a couple of years working as a software engineer at a startup, she is now working toward a Ph.D. in Computer Science. Her research area is in real-time outlier or anomaly explanations for data streams. The explanations include but are not limited to outlying attributes, which are the subset of features responsible for the abnormality of objects or instances, and outlier causality.

Research Interests: High-Performance Computing, Heterogeneous Computing, Performance Engineering, Applied Machine Learning, Compilers, and Computer Architecture

Sudhi is a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate focusing on storing and processing extremely large data in small spaces. Sudhi is passionate about continuing his academic journey as an Assistant Professor in the future and will continue to innovate ways to solve real-world problems using his research. Apart from his research, he has also held various office positions in the student clubs across campus, mentored Master's students, and various outreach programs such as CS Education Week, Code Sooner, and Engineering Week. Over the Summer of 2022, Sudhi also had an opportunity to work for Argonne National Lab in Illinois, where he worked on correcting the errors induced by the floating point numbers, often seen in mathematical calculations.

Adi is a PhD candidate in Dr. Radhakrishnan’s lab working in the paradigm of Approximate Computing on Combinatorial Algorithms. He graduated with a Masters degree in DSA in 2018 and continued with his PhD in Computer Science. He is on track to defend, Spring of 2023. His arduous passion for teaching has earned him multiple awards from the college and provost level.

Jay Rothenberger is a Graduate Research Assistant to Dr. Dimitrios Diochnos in the school of Computer Science here at OU. Jay's research is funded by the NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography. Jay's primary areas of interest include developing deep learning models that can be deployed with limited computational resources and developing models that are robust to adversarial conditions.