Make contact with your classmates..., and Create a Bibliography
The "intent" here..., is to provide "an opportunity to practice" E-Mailing, to introduce you to some of your classmates, and to create a collection of "What to Read"
1) Send (and receive) E-Mail to at least 5 of your class mates. (your choice)
This exercise is to "make" sure that your Reply
To: address is correct. (if you don't know what that is..., ask
Try the OU Help Desk (405) 325-4636
(325-INFO); and by e-mail to
2) Go to the University Library, Barnes and Nobel, or other Book Stores / Book Sources in your area and...,
Find 5 Publishers that "specialize" in Internet or Computer Publications. (Provide Publisher Name and Address)
All References should be in a format that..., when "collectively posted"..., other WebStudy Students might be able to "read and understand" your Reference efforts! Accuracy Counts!
Save this listing..., you will use it again later!
Send E-Mail or Drop the "paperwork"
The Office of Professor
Boykin Witherspoon (Class hours 10:00a to 2:00p)
...or "Under the door" at 307 Carnage, Parrington Oval, Building
is open (M-F) 8:00a to 5:00p.