Lesson 2 Web Study Distance Learning on the World Wide Web
Internet Navigator Version 4+ 

Viewing Web pages

The reason to learn Netscape is to be able to view Web Pages on the World Wide Web (or Web for short). Surfing the Web
is a recent activity that was not available before the invention of the Internet. Before the Internet,  there was little interactivity
between the user and the computer. The user simply sat, located files, and processed either the Word document or the Image.
When the user finished the files could be copied and sent to people. That was the extent of computing.

The Web changes all that. The user know has "places to go", so to speak. Currently, there are literally millions of Web Pages to
View and the number grows faster every day. Eventually the Web will be the computer..., that is, the composition of the Web
will contain the "body of knowledge" and the user will access any necessary information from the Web directly. Web Pages will
serve as the multi-media platform from which all useful information will be obtained.

As you know, viewing Web Pages is a simple task (thus the popularity of the Web), by typing the URL Address in the
Location field, the user can access information from within the same server or any server in the world with just a mouse click.
Talk about reach out and touch someone!

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