GPS Application

Using the server to locate the Paul Charles Construction Company in McGregor, Texas  76657    

As an example:  These are the "actual readings" (from the GPS unit) while standing at the front door of Paul Charles Construction Company:   

    31 Degrees 27.249 Minutes   
    -97 Degrees 22.643 Minutes
Because of the differences between hardware (and/or software) you must convert the Degrees, Minutes, and Decimal Minutes used by the GPS units, to Decimal Degrees used by the tiger.census server.  (refer to your GPS user manual)  

Conversion Example:  

Degrees, Minutes and Hundredths of Minutes <to> Decimal Degrees.  

    To convert 27.249 min. to decimal minutes, divide by 60 (minutes) = .45415    
    To convert 22.643 min. to decimal minutes, divide by 60 (minutes) = .37738   

    31 Degrees 27.249 Minutes  is  31.45415 Degrees 
    97 Degrees 22.643 Minutes  is  97.37738 Degrees

Reference the tiger map server:   

Go to the server (above) and change the "fields" as described (below):  

Replace the default lat/lon position numbers with the new location coordinates (in the fields to the right).   

As a beginning point, use 0.300 for the map width and height.

The map (that will be served to you) is of McGregor, Texas.   

A small town just West of Waco, Texas (At the Intersection of Hwy's 84 and 317).

For a more detailed view of the area, simply change the Map Width and Map Height, to 0.030 (degrees).   

Map Scale is approximately:  1:27259

Use the "place a marker option" adding a Large Red Dot marker (or other) to precisely locate PC Construction.   

Type in an appropriate label  
(shown right).

The "served map image" contains a Large Red Dot at the front door of Paul Charles Construction Company.  

(All map images are reduced to conserve file space)

Review GPS Basics 

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All contents copyright (C) 1993-1999,  D. Fehler  All rights reserved.