The University of Oklahoma Men's Soccer club holds it try-outs the second week of the Fall semster every year.  Due to the lack of funding and the fact that we have no head coach, prospective players are selected by previous or current team members.  Attendance, skill, and position availability are all factors in considering a selection.  Anyone who enjoys the sport is more than welcome to try-out.  Just be warned, the competition is tight.  For example, last year we had roughly 60 individuals trying out for 8 positions.  Look for flyers on campus, side-walk chalk, and newspaper advertisements for try-out locations, dates, and times.  Fees must also be taken into consideration for future players.  The seasonal fee of roughly 40 dollars not only covers referee costs, but tournament fees as well.

For more information contact:  Mike Polasek @ 364-4246   or    Corey Wright @ 579-7241

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