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DEC98 WebStudy UNIV4000 Publishing Info.

Monday, December 21st Please, reload this page each time you view it, (I'm updating often). 
  • Read:  p. 224-237 The Composer Window
  • Read:  p. 239-256 Formatting a Web Page
  • Read:  p. 257-274 Adding Images
  • Read:  p. 275-284 Creating Links in a Page
  • Review:  p. 225 Composer Toolbar
Using information from the above readings and your own experimentation...,  

Create a small "TEST" web page, and call it test.html .  You can create the test web page from scratch (p.227), from a templet (p. 228-229), with the Page Wizard (p. 230-231), or Edit an existing page (p. 232-233).  (A suggestion, please try all methods to determine which you prefer). 

For example:       

I will recommend you "start with" a small web page and enlarge the contents by publishing "again and again."  Work everyday on your pages until the last day of class January 9th.  In that time span you should have something reasonable don't you think?   

It is OK to "get help" from your group, or any of your classmates.   

Look at the Internet for (good) ideas. 

One of the class "publishing" locations is: (HTTP for viewing)  


Notice, to see a single folder (within the lesson) click on any of the URL's below. 


See how that works??? 

Understanding the "address structure" is the KEY to web publishing success. 

How do I put the  test.html  page on the web site?  

Open "your" test page  test.html  in Netscape Communicator. (created as instructed above) 

From the Netscape toolbar choose:  File, then Edit Page. 

(Or you can open your test page directly using Netscape Composer, Ref: p. 223). 

1 is the location of YOUR test.html page. 

2  To edit a web page click-on File > Edit Page.

To publish the web page,  
click-on the Publish Button on the Netscape "Composer" Toolbar.  

(This dialog box will appear). 


Use the following information to complete the dialog box:  
1 ftp://ouwww.ou.edu/htdocs/class/webstudy/n4/Lesson_Folder 

  • An example is:  ftp://ouwww.ou.edu/htdocs/class/webstudy/n4/L1/
  • Remember, use YOUR lesson folder L2, L3, to L12, etc.
2 webstudy  
3 webstu98  

A Reminder: 

The ftp: address is for publishing, the http: address is for viewing.  The ftp: address requires a password, the http: doesn't.  For viewers to "see" your files (without using a password), use the http: address (as above) to refer to your page in, for example, your e-mail.   

Your folder "viewing" address is:  

The folder "publishing" address is:  

You are encouraged to experiment.  Publish something that "challenges" your ability.  If you try something and it doesn't quite work..., that is OK.  I'd rather you try and fail than "play it safe" and do something uninteresting.   

Please Remember...,   

  • Use only the n4 folders with L1 thru L12, intro and app
  • We are all using the same password, so stay in your folder.
  • When you publish, you can't "delete" your published files using Netscape. (More later).
  • Netscape contains very "primitive" HTML composition tools.  (Don't expect too much.
  • Read the text book it is very helpful!
  • You should be able to "publish" by next Monday, December 28th.
When you have "successfully" Published anything, send me an e-mail, telling me the http: address of your page. 

For example: (address format). 


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All contents copyright (C) 1996-1999,  D. Fehler,  All rights reserved.