Seven Habits of Highly Effective Speakers: Use Them And Set Yourself Apart
by Marjorie Brody
More people fear giving a presentation than dying. Unbelievable? Maybe,
but it's true. Making a presentation -- whether standing in front
of a large group or just sitting with colleagues across the conference
room table -- can be a source of stress for even the most experienced
speaker. Being perceived as credible, and conveying your thoughts
in a clear, concise and powerful way can enhance not only your personal
image, but that of your company or organization. Conversely, being
perceived as awkward, ill -- prepared, or even uncomfortable can do
your image -- or your career -- great harm.
I have developed a method for successful speaking that really works
-- based on the hundreds of hours spent preparing and delivering presentations,
and the thousands of training and coaching sessions I have conducted.
If you follow the seven habits below when preparing for your own presentations,
you would be able to feel confident and secure when facing your audience
-- whether you're a first-time speaker or a still-not-quite-secure
repeat performer.
1) KNOW YOUR PAL™: Purpose, Audience and Logistics. If your
purpose is to inform the audience, then you need to provide new and
useful information. If, however, you want to persuade people, then
you need to make them believe in your message or call them to action.
Be very clear about your intended results. In other words, begin with
the end in mind. You also want to ask yourself: Who is in the audience?
Are they colleagues, or prospective clients? Why are they there? What
are their demographics (Where are they from? How old are they?). What
is their attitude toward your objective? What knowledge do they have
and do they need? The "right" information to the wrong audience
limits your chance of achieving your objectives.
Find out as much as you can about your audience before preparing your
speech. Even seasoned professional speakers sometimes forget to do
all their homework and wind up feeling foolish. There have been numerous
examples of speeches given with information that was either too far
above or too far below the knowledge level of the audience.
Knowing the logistics is important, too. Are you part of a team or
panel of speakers? What will the other speakers be discussing? How
large is the audience? What visual equipment is available? How much
time do you have to present? What time of day will you be speaking?
The answers to these questions are crucial factors in helping you
tailor your presentation.
Once you have determined your PAL, write your overall objective in
one sentence or less. This helps you maintain focus during the preparation
2. PREPARE ADEQUATELY: Once you clarify your objectives, it's
time to prepare the presentation. The first step is to collect the
material. Unless you plan on a "data dump," look for analogies
and metaphors, stories, examples, audience, involvement techniques,
case studies to support the facts and figures. After collecting the
material, begin to organize it so there is a logical progression of
ideas. Limit the points, keeping the message simple. Writing out transitions
helps to reinforce the ideas and to repeat without being redundant.
Write the introduction and conclusion after the body of the presentation
is completed, being sure to start with impact including the benefit
of the presentation to the audience and ending with strength and something
3. CREATE A USER FRIENDLY FINAL DRAFT: Imagine what would happen
if you created a masterpiece ... only to have the briefcase it's in
stolen. Always leave a copy of the final draft at home or in the office
for someone to fax to you in an emergency. This user-friendly final
draft should be in outline form on note paper, minimal 18 point boldface.
Highlight the must know, should know and could know materials in different
colors. Avoid using note cards; they can cause you to do too much
shuffling. Only write on the top two thirds of the page, otherwise
your eyes and voice will drop, and you will lose your audience's attention.
4. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE: At least three to six times,
out loud -- saying it differently each time to keep the spontaneity.
Practicing in your head where you are eloquent won't work as well
than actually saying it. If you will be delivering your speech standing
up, then practice the same way using a similar room setup. If you
can't practice in the actual room where you will be speaking, improvise.
Set up the chairs in the way they will actually be used. If you can
practice in front of someone, their comments will help you to refine
your presentation. Tape record yourself. Remember, if you don't find
your presentation interesting no one else will either.
5. ARRIVE EARLY: Make sure the room is set up correctly, the
microphone is working and check any visual aids you may be using.
Bring extra bulbs, cords, etc., to prepare yourself for technical
difficulties. If possible, be available to introduce yourself and
shake hands with your audience as they arrive. This will help them
to be more receptive to you as a speaker. Limber up by doing breathing
and stretching exercises, it will control the adrenaline and relax
6. DELIVERY TECHNIQUES: As an effective speaker, you want your
audience to be receptive to the communication signals you will be
sending them: the three V's -- Visual, Verbal and Vocal.
While all three are important, for some audience members, what you
say may not be as important as how you say it. For other audiences
members, the way you look and the facial expressions you use will
influence their impressions. Your ultimate credibility as a speaker
will be determined by your mastery of the three V's.
Visual - The old adage that "Clothes make the man"
or woman, is still valid. The first thing your audience members see
is your appearance. Before you get a chance to say a word, some of
them will already have judged you based solely on how you look. If
you are presenting at a business meeting, proper business dress is
called for. If you have been invited to speak at an "off-campus"
event, check with the event organizer. You can never be faulted for
looking "too professional," even if the audience is dressed
down. Be certain that your outfit and accessories don't detract from
your presentation. Avoid anything that makes noise or looks flashy,
like jangling bracelets or earrings.
Both men and women should check that their clothing fits well, and
that they can move comfortably in it.
Your body language will also send the audience a message. Don't cross
your arms or fidget. Use gestures to emphasize points, but be careful
not to flail your arms around. The most effective stance is a forward
lean, not swaying back and forth or bouncing on your feet. Effective
speakers make regular eye contact with audience members, holding the
connection to complete an idea. This helps draw listeners into your
speech. Nodding to emphasize a point also helps make a connection
with the audience. If you nod occasionally, audience members will
too -- creating a bond.
Vocal -- If you have ever listened to people speaking in a
monotone, you know how difficult it is to pay attention. There are
six vocal cues to remember: pitch, volume, rate, punch, pause, and
diction. It is also important to speak clearly and enunciate. If you
rush your delivery or speak softly, the audience will have to work
too hard to pay attention. Vary your tone and speed and tailor your
delivery rate to accommodate any regional differences. Keep your chin
up while speaking, don't bury it in notes. When you look down, your
voice drops. Emphasize or "punch" certain words for effect,
but don't forget to incorporate pauses to give the audience time to
let important points be understood. Proper diction is also essential
-- if you're not sure how to pronounce a word, look it up or don't
use it.
Verbal -- There are three verbal communication rules to remember:
Use descriptive, simple language; use short sentences; and avoid buzz
words and jargon.
your speech thoroughly, you will be ready for most questions. Answer
them as briefly and concisely as you can. It's best to paraphrase
the question before answering it. This will help to clarify it in
your mind and to make sure you understand the question. At some time
you may encounter someone whose only objective is to stump the speaker
or put you on the defensive. If you don't know the answer, say so.
Don't try to make one up. Tell the questioner that you will find out
the answer and get back to him or her. Knowing how to create and deliver
effective presentations will enhance your ability to project a positive
image. These secrets are a head start toward helping you gain the
competitive edge when presenting.
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Brody Communications Ltd. 1999
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