Klingon page

bljeghbe'chugh vaj blHegh!

(surrender or die!)

Klingons are probably the best-loved "bad guys" of Star Trek. Klingon fan groups are popping up around the country. If you would like to know more about Klingons, click on one of the choices below.

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The Klingon Empire uses several languages, grouped together under the term "Klingonaase", which translates as "the speech of the Klingon people". The most interesting variation is Battle Language, which is a shortened version using only the "bare bones" of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Its purpose is issuing commands rapidly in combat situations, and is rarely used outside of battle. Click on one of the choices below for examples of Klingonaase.

Klingonaase vocabulary

Klingonaase phrases

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Klingonaase Vocabulary

naD approve, commend, praise
quv honor
tay rite, ritual, ceremony
toDuj courage, bravery
morgh protest
SuvwI', vaj warrior
Qol beam away
toQDuj Bird of Prey
qaD challenge

Klingonaase Phrases

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Klingonaase Phrases

Hlja' or HISlaH yes
ghobe' no
bljeghbe'chugh vaj blHegh surrender or die!
Duj tlvoqtaH always trust your instincts
veQDujn' oH Dujllj'e' your ship is a garbage scow
blnep you lie
batlh Daqawlu'talt you will be remembered with honor

Klingonaase vocabulary

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Culture and Philosophy

General Cultural Information

Role of Women

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General Cultural Information


Klingons do not view combat as something to be avoided, or even as a necessary evil, but rather value it as a way to achieve honor and glory. They view conquest as a virtue, and believe their strength gives them the right to enslave other species.

Komerex Zha

The komerex zha (perpetual game) is played throughout a Klingon's life. Warriors advance themselves through combat, and gains or losses also reflect upon the family line.

Role of Women

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Role of Women in Klingon Culture

Women play an important role in Klingon society. In the distant past, women guided the family House and had a great deal of influence due to the fact that they were the ones who raised the children (they saw to it that warriors were brought up to respect them).

As time went on, women lost some of their overt influence, but a society still exists called the ghopbe', which seeks to preserve traditional ways. They are forced to be secretive, but nonetheless exert a subtle power and influence in the Empire. Since they are known for their loyalty to the Klingon Way and their honor, they are not perceived as a threat to the Empire or the High Council . . .at this time.

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Other Related Web Sites

http://www.th-darmstadt.de/~tanger/kli-faq.html--Klingon Fan Clubs

http://users.aol.com/reshtarc/ask/askhome.htm--Klingon Information

http://lynx.fhcrc.org/~cbynum/treklinx.html--Star Trek Information

htt;://www.itw.com/~zer)/klingon.html--Klingon Homeworld page


My heartfelt thanks to Phillip McCoy, a.k.a. Cmdr. K'Tal vestai-Simparri of the I.K.V. Honorable Quest, for all the Klingon information and for just being a friend.

My love and thanks to my dear husband, for his patience with "that Klingon stuff" and all my other school projects, and for always having faith in me.