Topic Suggestions
Instructional Multimedia Project

Project Description

Suggestions for topic include: Oklahoma PASS Skills URL:
Pre-K - 2:

1. Safety (home, school, playground, stranger danger, etc.)

2. Making Friends/being a friend.

3. Numbers/Number Skills

4. Recognizing the Alphabet

5. Word Recognition (early reading)

6. Alike and Different

7. Shapes

Elementary Grades:

1. Language Arts

a. Spelling
b. Phonics
c. Comprehension
d. Story Writing
2. Mathematics
a. Addition
b. Subtraction
c. Multiplication
d. Division
e. Fractions
f. Geometry
3. Science
a. Health issues
b. Force and resistance
c. Gravity
d. Clouds/Weather
e. Space
4. Social Studies
a. Historical topic (specific)
b. Geography
c. Government
d. Laws
5. Art
a. Specific artists or periods of art
b. Drawing skills
6. Music
a. Note recognition
b. Scales
c. Types of music/musical periods
Secondary Grades:

1. Language Arts

a. Reading Skills
b. Spelling
c. Writing Reports
d. Diagraming Sentences
2. Mathematics
a. Fractions
b. Geometry
c. Algebra (basic)
3. Science
a. Space
b. Earth Science
c. Weather
d. Physics
e. Chemistry
4. Social Studies
a. History (specific)
b. Geography
c. Politics/Governement
d. Law
5. Art
a. Line and Distance
b. Drawing Portraits
c. Balance and Perspective
d. Coloring/Shading
6. Music
a. Note recognition
b. Scales
c. History of ? (specific)
7. Health
a. Just say NO! (drugs, alcohol, etc.)
b. Sex education (with discretion!)
c. Making good choices
d. Diet and exercise
8. Sports
a. Strategies on and off the court or field.
b. How to Ö
c. History of Ö
9. Home Economics
a. Cooking
b. Sewing
c. Balancing your budget/checkbook
d. Running a household responsibly

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10-12-02 - kjs