Note: This page is another EXAMPLE of how to layout a web page.
YOUR web page does not have to look exactly like this, but should be done in a neat order.

NOTE: In revising your Track, be sure to note anything that has changed over the course of you developing and revising your Trackthat was not stated in your initial proposal.

My Revised Track Proposal

Link to Original Track

Link to My Revised Track

Audience (revise as per feedback and fit to actual track)
Describe age/grade, entry level skills (prerequisites), and cognitive, motivational, and affective characteristics.

Instructional Goal(s) (revise these as per feedback and fit to actual track)
Provide a broad statement of what students will do or learn.

Specific Objectives (revise these as per feedback and fit to actual track)
Describe specific outcomes you wish students to achieve. Use this to narrow the scope of your lesson.
Remember, well written objectives have three main components:

  1. given the specified context / materials
  2. the learner will do / demonstrate desired outcome
  3. to what specified level of proficiency

(revise as needed)

  1. Why teach this?
  2. Is it more than just verbal (declarative knowledge)?
  3. Why use technology for this topic?

Description of the Unit
(revise as per feedback and fit to actual track)

  1. What are the required materials and preparation?
  2. How will you get students involved?
  3. How will you engage learners in the task?
  4. How will you facilitate deep processing?
  5. How will you encourage ongoing motivation?
  6. What will the teacher do?

Anticipated Problems
(revise as per feedback and fit to actual track)

  1. Describe potential problems or special preparation related to this track.
  2. How will learning be evaluated?
  3. Describe assessment methods -- the track should assess whether students have mastered the objectives.

**(it is good to provide alternate ways of navigating the website as is done here)

Last edited: 05.27.03 - LRW