CHE 5480


FALL 2001 

School of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science
Instructor: Professor Miguel J. Bagajewicz

Email: Prof. Miguel Bagajewicz

Research Group  URL:

Class URL:

Lectures and Homework

Grader: To be announced.

Office Hours: I have an open door policy. Walk in my office every time you want and I will interrupt whatever I am doing. In case you feel better having an appointment, arrange for one.  Two important rules to talk to me:

                     1. Make sure you thought about the problem and have some analysis to offer together with your question
                     2. Make sure you can explain you problem or make the question in one-two sentences.


The topics covered and the approximate time devoted to them is in the list below. The order of presentation and coverage will likely be altered.      
Every effort will be made to make the material relate to the different disciplines spanned by the students attending the class. 

Greenberg M.,  Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Prentice Hall. (1998)

Material will also be taken form 


Homework will be assigned as frequently as once a week. 

Grading System: 

A small project (read a paper, implement a certain procedure, etc) may be assigned. Grades from such projects will be considered as half a test.  

Some Rules:

  1. Late homework or reports loose their value exponentially. The time constant is 0.25/day. 
  2. No makeup exams.
  3. Class attendance is required.
  4. Other rules may be added.
  5. Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact the instructor personally as soon as possible so  accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate his/her educational opportunities are discussed
