International Advisory Committee
The International Advisory Committee (IAC) is an executive student body representing international students and coordinating international student organizations on campus. To learn more out this international umbrella organization, visit iac.ou.edu or email iac@ou.edu.
OU Cousins
Through OU Cousins, students are matched according to hobbies, majors, and countries of special interest. Each international or exchange student is matched with one or two American students and invited to participate in monthly programs that are free of charge. In addition, students are encouraged to get together outside of official Cousins events and share their respective cultures with one another through normal daily life.
Funding for International Student Groups
OU's David L. Boren College of International Studies is proud to offer support to international student organizations on campus for events and activities throughout the academic year.
OU International Student Organizations
You can also e-mail the Office of International Programming at intlprog@ou.edu or the president of IAC at iac@ou.edu.
If you would like to start a student organization, please visit the Student Life website to find out how to register a student organization.