Campus: Norman
PhD, University of Oklahoma
MSW, University of Oklahoma
BS in Special Education, University of Oklahoma
Ann Riley has been with the School as a Clinical Asst. Professor since July 2012. Currently serving as the Graduate Coordinator since August 2017, she appreciates the opportunity to have a positive impact on the graduate student experience, participate in recruitment efforts, and contribute to the MSW curriculum. For five years, Ann served as the Field Education Coordinator for the school on the Norman campus. Responsible for all things practicum for social work students (undergraduate and graduate), along with the Field office team, she did her part to help resolve problem practicum situations and develop many new placement opportunities for students with our agency partners. Previously, she held a full-time tenure track faculty position as an Asst. Professor of Social Work at East Central University in Ada, Ok. from 2009-2012 with their bachelors program, and also as Interim Director briefly and Liaison for the OU School of Social Work Practicum Program from approximately 2006-2009. Previous to academe, she had 20 years of LCSW experience in such settings as: private practice, non-profit agencies, for-profit hospitals, and public schools. During that time, Ann maintained a private practice for 13 years as a clinical social worker/psychotherapist and conflict resolution specialist conducting mediation and arbitration for high conflict family and divorce clients. Since obtaining her MSW from OU in 1987 (yes, she is an alum of the program!), for over 30 years Ann has provided social work practice under many hats: clinical social worker & family therapist, mediator, arbitrator, program coordinator and social work educator. It is an honor to be in this profession!
Among other responsibilities, Ann Riley’s role as Graduate Coordinator involves recruitment, admissions, and advisement of MSW students across student groups in the program: Foundation Year (full time and part time formats), Advanced Standing, and Concentration Year students. She is involved in teaching and also in supporting instructional efforts of faculty and community faculty. With her background in practicum, Ann also remains active and involved in support of Field as faculty liaison with students in the social work practicum community. Service to the department involves committee assignments such as: Executive Committee; ARREA Committee Co-Chair; and Curriculum sub-Committee work on the new integrative curriculum. Grant involvement and research are projects on the horizon.