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Faculty Opportunities

Faculty Opportunities

Romanoff Center grants to support faculty research.  The Romanoff Center has limited funding available to support faculty travel to archives and libraries and field research for projects related to Russian studies.  OU tenure-stream and both ranked and unranked term OU faculty are eligible. The funding may not be used for conference travel.  The first round of applications will be considered beginning on February  1, 2024.  To apply for support, faculty members should submit a narrative describing the project (2-3 pages), a budget for the project, and a cover sheet listing the applicant’s name, email, academic title, and department to  The project narrative should clearly indicate the applicant’s end goal: will this project lead to an article or help the applicant work towards a book-length publication?  The budget should itemize all projected expenses as concretely as possible (for example, include airfare and lodging quotes). Additionally, please list all other funding that the applicant has secured or for which they have applied.  Requests for up to $3,000 in support will be considered.