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Jenel Cavazos

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Jenel Cavazos

jenel cavazos


Office: Dale Hall Tower 736


Curriculum Vitae

Google Scholar Page

Dr. Cavazos is looking to admit graduate students for the 2025-2026 academic year. 

Introductory Psychology Coordinator

As the Master Teacher and Curriculum Coordinator for Introductory Psychology, my primary role in the department is to teach two large sections of PSY 1113 each semester and to supervise the graduate students and adjuncts teaching several other sections. I am responsible for curriculum development as well as providing mentorship for graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants. I also serve on several university committees related to general education, learning technology, and student success. My primary research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning and teaching with technology. My most recent projects focus on the impact of mental imagery on learning, specifically how having a “blind mind’s eye” (aphantasia) may influence study habits and memory.